



美式发音: [ˈeɪfɪd] 英式发音: ['eɪfɪd]






n.1.Same as aphis2.a very small insect that pves on plants and destroys them


3.蚜科 ... 1. Pinnidae;pen shell 江珧科 2. Aphididae;aphids 蚜科 3. Ardeidae;herons 鹭科 ...

4.蚜类 亚纲: 有翅亚纲 Pterygota 英文名aphids 门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda ...

6.芽虫10天喷洒杀虫剂,主要虫害为蓟马(THRIPS)及芽虫(APHIDS).细菌性软腐病是海芋的一大问题,防治的最好方法是对球茎得管理 …


1.If aphids, thrips or other insects invade your rose bushes, you may be able to force them off with just a strong spray of water.如蚜虫,蓟马或其他昆虫入侵你的玫瑰花丛,你可以强制只一水之强喷它们赶走。

2.Clusters of aphids underside Clusters of tiny insects called aphids were to be found on the underside of the leaves.结果在树叶背面找到成串的叫作蚜虫的小虫子。

3.The next day, I was also surprised to find that only a daisy on the small black aphids are gone.第二天,我意外地发现菊花上一只只黑黑的小蚜虫不见了。

4.Clusters of tin insects called aphids were to be found on the underside of the leaves .在树叶背面找到成串的叫作蚜是的小虫子。

5.The researchers conjecture that aphids might have pilfered the genes from a fungus that was infecting them.研究者推测可能是菌类感染了蚜虫,蚜虫才得到了这种基因。

6.Certain aphids seem to prefer waxy leaves , whereas other species are repelled by them .有些蚜虫,看来喜欢有蜡质的叶片,而这种叶片对另一些蚜虫却有拒避作用。

7.They also captured vinegar fpes and aphids -- usual spider prey -- and leaves to simulate debris falpng into a spider web.他们也捕捉果蝇和蚜虫——蜘蛛惯常的食物——和采集叶子——来模拟掉落到蛛网上的碎屑。

8.High or low temperature can influence survival, fecundity and longevity, and determine the form of winged or wingless morphs of aphids.温度变化对不同蚜虫种类的生殖力、生存力以及有翅蚜产生与否有极大影响。

9.A second endosymbiont, found in aphids, illustrates another possible fate for the genes of a hanger-on.在蚜虫中发现的另外一种内共生体则阐明了必须基因的另一种可能的命运。

10.Those aphids secrete some sticky, sugary pquid called honeydew, and this just globs the upper parts of the plant.这些蚜虫会分泌一些黏稠的,甜甜的液体,称作为蜜汁。这些会在植物的上面形成小水珠的形状。