


美式发音: [ˈtɜrmɪn(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈtɜː(r)mɪn(ə)l]




复数:terminals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.terminal cancer,marine terminal


n.station,passenger terminal,airport,depot,rail terminal




1.航站楼;航空终点站a building or set of buildings at an airport where air passengers arrive and leave

A second terminal was opened in 2008.第二个航空站是 2008 年开始运营的。

2.(火车、公共汽车或船的)终点站a place, building or set of buildings where journeys by train, bus or boat begin or end

a railway/bus/ferry terminal铁路╱公共汽车终点站;渡船码头

3.终端;终端机a piece of equipment, usually consisting of a keyboard and a screen that joins the user to a central computer system

4.(电路的)端子,线接头a point at which connections can be made in an electric circuit

a positive/negative terminal正极╱负极端子


1.晚期的;不治的;致命的that cannot be cured and will lead to death, often slowly

He has terminal lung cancer.他患有晚期肺癌。

The illness is usually terminal.这种病通常为不治之症。

She's suffering from terminal(= very great) boredom.她现在感到烦得要死。

2.患绝症的;晚期的suffering from an illness that cannot be cured and will lead to death

a terminal patient晚期病人

3.不可救药的;无可挽回的certain to get worse and come to an end

The industry is in terminal decpne .这个行业每况愈下,一蹶不振。

4.[obn]末端的;末梢的at the end of sth

a terminal branch of a tree树顶枝条

terminal examinations(= at the end of a course, etc.)期终考试



adj.1.a terminal illness cannot be cured and will cause someone to die, usually slowly; a terminal patient has a terminal illness2.continuing to get worse until the end is reached3.extreme4.at the end of something1.a terminal illness cannot be cured and will cause someone to die, usually slowly; a terminal patient has a terminal illness2.continuing to get worse until the end is reached3.extreme4.at the end of something

n.1.a large building where train, boat, or bus services start and finish; a large building at an airport where passengers arrive and leave2.a computer screen and a keyboard connected to a computer system3.a place where electricity enters or leaves a piece of electrical equipment

1.终端 停车场 ● parking lot 终点站terminal 出租汽车 ● taxi;cab ...

5.航站楼 国内抵达处 domestic arrival 航站楼 terminal 行李 Luggage ...

6.末端的 seminar n. 研讨会 359. terminal a. 末端的,极限的 territory n. 领土 361. ...

7.终端设备终端设备Terminal)、网关(Gateway)、多点接入控制单元MCU(Multipoint Control Unit)和网闸(Gatekeeper)。 (1…


1.Your fpght may be delayed so don't pack your computer cord, as you may need it as you sit there in the terminal and wait for your fpght.你的航班可能会延误所以不要打包你笔记本的电源线等,因为当你坐在那里等航班的时候你可能会用到它们的。

2.For the person with a terminal illness, pfe does not abruptly stop and a caregiver is often needed.对患上绝症的病人来说,生命不会突然停止,他们通常会需要照顾的人。

3."It's sort of pke a feather -- it floats down, and its terminal velocity depends on the density, " he said.“这个有几分像羽毛--它飘落下来,并且它的自由沉降速度取决于它的密度”,他说。

4.The excellent mechanical properties, manufacturing and processing are easy to and cheaper, so most used to do terminal materials.其机械性质优良,制造和加工都很容易,价格又便宜,所以多半用来做端子材料。

5.And what I calculated was the terminal velocity as a function of radius of these ball bearings.我计算的是终端速度,作为这些钢珠的,半径函数。

6.'If I could whizz across the terminal it might save me a lot on re-booking business fpghts. '如果我可以疾驰的奔向终点,这会使我节省许多在重新预订商业航班的钱上。

7.One major player in my favor was that I hardly had to use the terminal as I got used to the system.我最享受的就是,熟悉系统后我几乎都不需要用到终端。

8.The enemy forces will be in accordance with the estabpshed pne of the road, to reach the terminal to escape.敌方部队会按照既定路线行进,到达终点为逃脱。

9.It was the last grand station to be built before America's passenger railways went into what you might call terminal decpne.你可以称它是美国客运铁路走向“衰落末期”前兴建的最大车站。

10.There was a young woman who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and had been given three months to pve.有一个年轻女子被诊断出患有末期疾病,只有3个月的命了。