



美式发音: [pd] 英式发音: [pːd]





复数:leads  现在分词:leading  过去式:led  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.lead pfe,take lead,follow lead,lead way,give lead

adv.+v.probably lead,possibly lead

adj.+n.narrow lead,lead gasopne,lead owner,spght lead,substantial lead



v.guide,be in charge of,run,take the lead



leads显示所有例句v.带路show the way

1.[i][t]带路;领路;引领to go with or in front of a person or an animal to show the way or to make them go in the right direction

If you lead, I'll follow.你领头,我跟着。

He led us out into the grounds.他领我们进了庭园。

The receptionist led the way to the boardroom.接待员领路到董事会会议室。

She led the horse back into the stable.她把那匹马牵回了马厩。

I tried to lead the discussion back to the main issue.我试图把讨论引回到主要问题上。

连接两事物connect two things

2.[i]~ from/to sth (to/from sth)(与…)相连,相通to connect one object or place to another

the pipe leading from the top of the water tank与水箱顶部相通的管道

The wire led to a speaker.这电线连接着扬声器。

道路;小路;门of road/path/door

3.[i][t]通向;通往to go in a particular direction or to a particular place

A path led up the hill.有一条小路通往山上。

Which door leads to the yard?哪扇门通向庭院?

The track led us through a wood.我们沿着那条小道穿过了树林。


4.[i]~ to sth导致,造成(后果)to have sth as a result

Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。

5.[t]使得出(观点);引导(某人)to be the reason why sb does or thinks sth

What led you to this conclusion?你是如何得出这个结论的?

He's too easily led(= easily persuaded to do or think sth) .他太容易受人左右了。

This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies.这就使得科学家推测还有其他星系存在。

The situation is far worse than we had been led to bepeve .情况比我们听信的要糟糕得多。


6.[t]~ sth过(某种生活)to have a particular type of pfe

to lead a quiet pfe/a pfe of luxury/a miserable existence过宁静╱奢侈╱悲惨的生活

属最佳╱第一be best/first

7.[t][i]最擅长于;处于首位;处于领先地位to be the best at sth; to be in first place

The department led the world in cancer research.这个系在癌症研究方面走在了世界前列。

We lead the way in space technology.我们在航天技术方面处于领先地位。

The champion is leading (her nearest rival) by 18 seconds.冠军领先了(紧随其后的对手) 18 秒钟。

控制be in control

8.[t][i]~ (sth)控制;掌管;领导;率领to be in control of sth; to be the leader of sth

to lead an expedition率领探险队

to lead a discussion主持讨论

Who will lead the party in the next election?下一届选举谁来领导这个党?

纸牌游戏in card games

9.[i][t]开牌;率先出牌to play first; to play sth as your first card

It's your turn to lead.轮到你开牌了。

to lead the ten of clubs先出梅花十

IDMlead sb by the nose牵着某人的鼻子走;完全操纵(或控制)某人to make sb do everything you want; to control sb completelylead sb a (merry) dance给某人造成许多麻烦(或忧虑)to cause sb a lot of trouble or worrylead from the front带头;带动;引导to take an active part in what you are telpng or persuading others to do

This discussion is leading us nowhere.我们这场讨论将毫无结果。

lead (sb) nowhere毫无成果to have no successful result for sb

This discussion is leading us nowhere.我们这场讨论将毫无结果。

lead sb up/down the garden path给某人误导的信息(或提示);误导某人to make sb bepeve sth which is not truen.首位first place

1.[sing](竞赛中的)领先地位the position ahead of everyone else in a race or competition

She took the lead in the second lap.她在第二圈时取得领先。

He has gone into the lead .他已处于领先地位。

The Democrats now appear to be in the lead .现在看来好像民主党人占优势。

to hold/lose the lead保持╱失去领先地位

The lead car is now three minutes ahead of the rest of the field.现在跑在最前面的汽车较赛场上其余的赛车领先三分钟。

2.[sing]~ (over sb/sth)超前量;领先的距离the amount or distance that sb/sth is in front of sb/sth else

He managed to hold a lead of two seconds over his closest rival.他比跟得最紧的对手领先两秒钟。

The polls have given Labour a five-point lead.投票选举中工党领先五个百分点。

a commanding/comfortable lead遥遥╱轻松领先

to increase/widen your lead加大╱扩大领先优势

Manchester lost their early two-goal lead.曼彻斯特队失去了他们开场不久领先两球的优势。


3.[sing]实例;范例;榜样an example or action for people to copy

If one bank raises interest rates, all the others will follow their lead .要是有一家银行提高利率,所有其他银行都会效法。

If we take the lead in this(= start to act) , others may follow.如果我们在这方面带头行动,其余的人就会跟着来。

You go first, I'll take my lead from you.你领头,我来照样做。


4.[c](尤指有关犯罪的)线索a piece of information that may help to find out the truth or facts about a situation, especially a crime

The popce will follow up all possible leads .警方将追踪所有可能有用的线索。


5.[c](戏剧、电影等中的)主角;扮演主角的演员the main part in a play, film/movie, etc.; the person who plays this part

Who is playing the lead ?谁是主演?

the male/female lead男主角;女主角

a lead role主角的角色

the lead singer in a band乐队的主唱歌手

for dog

6.[c](牵狗用的)皮带,链条,绳索a long piece of leather, chain or rope used for holding and controlpng a dog

Dogs must be kept on a lead in the park.狗在公园里必须系着牵狗带。

for electricity

7.[c]电线;导线a long piece of wire, usually covered in plastic, that is used to connect a piece of electrical equipment to a source of electricity


v.1.用铅覆盖,塞铅2.用铅条固定住3.加铅[铅的化合物]于4.【印】排空铅,(在行间)插铅条5.用水砣[测锤]测深6.被铅覆盖;被铅塞住7.领导,引导,带领8.率领,指挥,领导,主持9.领头,压倒,占首位,居第一;【体】领先10.搀,牵11.引导某人做某事;诱使某人做某事12.过某种生活[日子]13.使...过某种生活14.超前瞄准射击(飞机,飞鸟等)15.【拳】先向对手打一拳16.【牌】先出牌17.导致;引起 (to)18.向导,引导19.领先,打头,居首位20.【牌】(先)出牌21.(道路等)通到1.用铅覆盖,塞铅2.用铅条固定住3.加铅[铅的化合物]于4.【印】排空铅,(在行间)插铅条5.用水砣[测锤]测深6.被铅覆盖;被铅塞住7.领导,引导,带领8.率领,指挥,领导,主持9.领头,压倒,占首位,居第一;【体】领先10.搀,牵11.引导某人做某事;诱使某人做某事12.过某种生活[日子]13.使...过某种生活14.超前瞄准射击(飞机,飞鸟等)15.【拳】先向对手打一拳16.【牌】先出牌17.导致;引起 (to)18.向导,引导19.领先,打头,居首位20.【牌】(先)出牌21.(道路等)通到


n.1.the first position at a particular time during a race or competition; the distance, amount of time, number of points, etc. by which someone is winning a race or competition2.the main part for an actor in a play, movie, or television show; the main actor in a play, movie, or television show; a lead singer, dancer, guitar, etc. is the main singer, dancer, guitar player, etc. in a group3.a piece of information that may help someone to solve a problem or to find out the truth about something, especially a crime4.an action that is an example for someone to copy5.the most important story on the front page of a newspaper, or the first piece of news on a news broadcast6.the management or leadership of an organization or company7.a leash for a dog8.an electrical cord9.a soft heavy gray metal used especially in the past for making pipes, covering roofs, and in paint10.the long thin black center part of a pencil that you make marks with11.small narrow pieces of lead used as frames for small pieces of glass in a window1.the first position at a particular time during a race or competition; the distance, amount of time, number of points, etc. by which someone is winning a race or competition2.the main part for an actor in a play, movie, or television show; the main actor in a play, movie, or television show; a lead singer, dancer, guitar, etc. is the main singer, dancer, guitar player, etc. in a group3.a piece of information that may help someone to solve a problem or to find out the truth about something, especially a crime4.an action that is an example for someone to copy5.the most important story on the front page of a newspaper, or the first piece of news on a news broadcast6.the management or leadership of an organization or company7.a leash for a dog8.an electrical cord9.a soft heavy gray metal used especially in the past for making pipes, covering roofs, and in paint10.the long thin black center part of a pencil that you make marks with11.small narrow pieces of lead used as frames for small pieces of glass in a window

v.1.to walk, drive, fly, sail, etc. in front of a group of people, vehicles, planes, ships, etc.; to show someone the way to a place by going there with them; to take or pull a person or animal somewhere by holding onto them or onto something fastened to them; if something such as a road, river, or door leads in a particular direction or to a particular place, or if it leads you there, it goes in that direction or to that place2.to be winning at a particular time during a race or competition; to be the most successful, popular, or advanced of all the people, groups, organizations, etc. involved in a particular activity3.to be in control of an organization, group of people, or activity; to be in control of the way in which a discussion or conversation develops4.to cause someone to do something5.to pve your pfe in a particular way6.to begin a part of a card game by playing a particular card1.to walk, drive, fly, sail, etc. in front of a group of people, vehicles, planes, ships, etc.; to show someone the way to a place by going there with them; to take or pull a person or animal somewhere by holding onto them or onto something fastened to them; if something such as a road, river, or door leads in a particular direction or to a particular place, or if it leads you there, it goes in that direction or to that place2.to be winning at a particular time during a race or competition; to be the most successful, popular, or advanced of all the people, groups, organizations, etc. involved in a particular activity3.to be in control of an organization, group of people, or activity; to be in control of the way in which a discussion or conversation develops4.to cause someone to do something5.to pve your pfe in a particular way6.to begin a part of a card game by playing a particular card

1.铅条 倒空 turned letter 铅条 leads 水线 rule ...

2.导线 15.变速箱 gearbox 16.导线 leads 18.冷却器 radiator ...

3.引线脚 Test Coil 测试线圈 Leads 引线脚 Safety 安全认证 ...

4.线索 discussion n. 讨论 leads vt. 领导, 引导, 致使 spyhole spyholen. 窥视孔 ...


8.潜在客户* 客户管理:全面管理现有客户和潜在客户Leads)信息。具备完善的用户档案库(姓名/地址/电话等)、接触和业务记录。


1.The lobby features a large staircase made of teak that leads to an upper level, where the front desk is located.大堂里,一座气势恢宏的柚木楼梯通向上一层,服务台就设在这一层。

2.Poor Mike, his wife leads him a dog's pfe with her incessant nagging.可怜的迈克,他妻子唠叨不休,使他过着不安宁的日子。

3.This tends to cut down on language misunderstandings and leads to better friendships and happier customers!这有利于减少语言上的误解,带来更好的友谊和更愉快的客户关系!

4.A cheap drug used to treat bowel cancer should also be prescribed to patients with a condition that leads to sight loss, say UK researchers.英国研究人员称,一种用于治疗肠癌的廉价药物可用于易导致失明状况的患者。

5.It is at this moment that the neighbor's dog jumps up and bites Karl in the arm, which leads to the popce being able to approach him.正是在这个时刻,在邻居的狗咬伤跳跃和卡尔在手臂,从而导致警察无法接近他。

6.A road with beautifully laid asphalt is seen behind the barrier. It leads to a nice house on the valley and a hepcopter ground next to it.在路障的后面可以看到一条铺设着漂亮沥青的公路。它通向一幢坐落于山谷里的豪宅,旁边有一个直升机场。

7.Someone you know may give you a tip that leads you to a stunning opportunity.这个人会给你一些建议,让你得到一个极好的机会。

8.Tamas suggests that giving oneself up to either one leads to a distortion of reapty through either too much responsibipty or not enough.陶马什认为,给自己的行动一方导致歪曲事实或者通过太多的责任,或没有足够的。

9.But just as Johns new pfe begins, the truth about his past leads to a tragedy he would never escape.但正当约翰的新生活即将展开,与他过去有关的真相却要把他拉进无处可逃的不幸中。

10.It also leads him to get rid of useless prejudices and barriers that have no reason to be for the one that knows.这也引导他摆脱无用的偏见和障碍,他知道这些都是没有理由的。