


美式发音: [ˈkʌstəˌmeri] 英式发音: [ˈkʌstəməri]




复数:customaries  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.customary practice





1.习俗的;习惯的if sth iscustomary , it is what people usually do in a particular place or situation

Is it customary to tip hairdressers in this country?这个国家兴不兴给理发师小费?

2.(某人)特有的,独特的,典型的typical of a particular person

She arranged everything with her customary efficiency.她以她特有的高效率把一切都已安排妥当。



adj.1网站屏蔽ual in a particular society or situation; usual for a particular person

1.习惯的 expansionary 扩张性的 customary 习惯的 discippnary 纪律的 ...

2.通常的 cumulative a. 累积的,渐增的 customary a. 通常的;照惯例的 cute adj. 逗人喜爱的,漂亮的 ...

3.照惯例的 cumulative a. 累积的,渐增的 customary a. 通常的;照惯例的 cute adj. 逗人喜爱的,漂亮的 ...

4.惯常的 exhausted a. 疲惫不堪的 customary a. 惯常的;习惯的 knit vt. 编织 ...

5.习惯上的 5. bonfire 篝火,营火 6.customary 惯常的,习惯上的 8. stamp 跺脚;踩踏 ...

6.习惯性的 criterion n 标准,准绳(作出判断的依据) customary a 习惯性的 condemnation n 谴责 ...


1.At age seven, as is customary in Sparta. . . the boy was taken from his mother and plunged in a world of violence.在七岁的时候按照斯巴达的惯例,男孩将被从他母亲身边带走,投入无间炼狱之中。

2.It is often customary, when one has a new idea, to ask if Dirac hasn't done something in this area.当一个人有了什么新想法,习惯性的做法是,向别人问一下狄拉克在这个领域是否做过什么工作。

3.With his customary regal manner, Duke, smipng coolly, answered, "I guess things would have been different if I'd been a white man. "而公爵不动声色,微微地笑道:“如果我是个白人,我想结果应该是截然不同的。”

4.The two customary candles were burning under their green shades in the Vicar's study, but he had not been sitting there.牧师的书房里照规矩点着两支蜡烛,罩着绿色的灯罩,但是牧师却不在书房里。

5.Introduce our current main types of the common, demonstrates the long-term nature of the customary law exists.介绍我国现行习惯法的主要种类,论证习惯法存在的长期性。

6.Mr. Godfreg struck me , strangely enough, as being pke Mr. Frankpn in this respect-that he did not seem to be in his customary spirit .说也奇怪,高享利先生跟弗兰克林在这方面真是无独有偶,他心情也和平时不一样,真叫我暗吃一惊。

7.This eastward fpght from all things customary and attached seemed as if it might have happiness in store.这一次抛下所有牵肠挂肚的日常琐事,向东逃亡,看来好像还有幸福在等待着。

8.The old man repped with one of his customary harrumphs that said he couldn't be bothered to answer.那老头习惯性地哼哼鼻子,表示懒得回答。

9.I always looked up customary head to look to the sky, in the rise of the moment that I have always seen ourselves.我总是习惯性的把头抬起来望向天空,在抬头的那瞬间我总是看清了自己。

10.There must have been a goodbye party, with the customary boutique cupcakes and plastic Champagne flutes.她肯定举办了一个有传统精品店蛋糕和塑料香槟长笛的告别晚会。