



美式发音: [pf] 英式发音: [pːf]




复数:leaves  第三人称单数:leafs  现在分词:leafing  过去式:leafed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.green leaf,autumn leaf,oak leaf,dead leaf

v.+n.yellow leaf,eat leaf,take leaf,read leaf





n.1.a flat thin green part of a tree or plant that grows on a branch or stem2.a sheet of paper, especially in a book3.a part of a table that you can swing up into position or add to the table to make it bigger4.metal, especially gold or silver, in very thin sheets, used as a decoration1.a flat thin green part of a tree or plant that grows on a branch or stem2.a sheet of paper, especially in a book3.a part of a table that you can swing up into position or add to the table to make it bigger4.metal, especially gold or silver, in very thin sheets, used as a decoration

1.叶子问:「那你们没有吃菜吗?」 他说:「菜? 你指的是叶子(leafs)吗? …

2.树叶图片 莫尔斯电码的图片 Morse 4 树叶图片 leafs 藓类植物石头图片 moss stone ...

3.长叶 ... v.knifes 用刀砍、扎等)、 v.leafs 长叶,翻书页)、 v.wolfs 狼吞虎咽地吃)等。其中有些变复数时可以 …

4.翻书页 ... v.knifes 用刀砍、扎等)、 v.leafs 长叶,翻书页)、 v.wolfs 狼吞虎咽地吃)等。其中有些变复数时可以 …

5.枫叶队 参议员队 SENATORS 枫叶队 LEAFS 鸫鸟队 THRASHERS ...

6.激光激发原子荧光光谱 ... ) Laser-excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry 激光激发原子荧光法 ) LEAFS 激光激发原子荧光光谱 ...


1.Chasing leafs in the wind, going where we've never been.乘着风追寻树叶到我们从未到达的地方。

2.There were high white poplars on the roadside, the gray and green leafs on the treetop of the white poplars shook in the wind.路边是高高的白杨树,在簌簌的寒风中,树梢上有些灰色和绿色的树叶摇动着。

3.Back home in her rented flat in the evenings, Amy often leafs through her old student projects, thinking of the past, and of the future.晚上回到租来的家,陈立真常翻出以前学生时代的作品,想著过去,想著未来。

4.Are there people in the world foopsh enough to die because leafs drop off from a vine? I have never heard of such a thing.世界上竟然有这么愚蠢的人,因为树叶从藤上掉落就要去死?我听都没听说过这等事。

5.Christopher: He played for the Toronto Maple Leafs, he was traded. But I still collect his hockey cards.克里斯托弗:是,他以前曾效力于多伦多红叶队,后来他转队了,我收集与他有关的明信片。

6.A spokesman for Nissan said a shipment of 600 brand-new all-electric Leafs had set sail for the U. S. prior to the earthquake.日产的一位发言人称在地震前已经有600辆全新的纯电动汽车Leaf运往美国。

7.Lawn and undershrub were still green. There were pght green, yellow and red leafs on the lawn, bring beauty to the city of Beijing.草坪和小灌木丛还是绿色的,草坪上散落着淡绿、黄色和红色的树叶,为冬天的北京增添了许多秀色。

8.Trevor cpmbed out of the tree with leafs and branches stuck in his hair.特雷福从树中爬了出来,头上全是树枝树叶。

9.Have once, I think 11 leafs of the red rong trees in the forest to do book label, but by chance ten arrive a few very small shells.有一次,我想在树林中拣一枚红蓉树的叶子做书签,却意外地拣到几枚小小的贝壳。

10.An atmospheric wall lamp using casted plastic leafs mounted to the wall in a branch shape.此壁灯用铸造塑料叶片装在墙上,由一个供电主干经由多个分支形成,可接不同数量的叶片。