


美式发音: ['pvɪŋz] 英式发音: ['p:vɪŋz]






n.departure,going away,parting,exit,exodus



1.[i][t]离开(某人或某处)to go away from a person or a place

Come on, it's time we left.快点,我们该走了。

The plane leaves for Dallas at 12.35.飞机于 12:35 起飞前往达拉斯。

I hate leaving home.我讨厌离开家。

The plane leaves Heathrow at 12.35.飞机于 12:35 在希思罗机场起飞。


2.[i][t]离开居住地点(或群体、工作单位等)to stop pving at a place, belonging to a group, working for an employer, etc.

My secretary has threatened to leave.我的秘书以辞职相要挟。

Some children leave school at 16.有些学生 16 岁毕业。


3.[t]~ sb (for sb)遗弃;丢弃to leave your wife, husband or partner permanently

She's leaving him for another man.她要抛弃他去跟另一个男人。

以后要做的事sth to do later

4.[t]不立刻做;不马上处理to not do sth or deal with sth immediately

Leave the dishes─I'll do them later.盘子先搁着吧,我等会儿再洗。

Why do you always leave everything until the last moment?你怎么什么事都留到最后一刻才处理?

处于某种状态;在某地方sb/sth in condition/place

5.[t]使保留,让…处于(某种状态、某地等)to make or allow sb/sth to remain in a particular condition, place, etc.

Leave the door open, please.请把门开着吧。

The bomb blast left 25 people dead.那颗炸弹炸死了 25 个人。

Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain.别让她在外边雨里等着。

Leave the rice to cook for 20 minutes.把大米煮 20 分钟。

6.[t]使发生;造成,使留下为(某种结果)to make sth happen or remain as a result

Red wine leaves a stain.红葡萄酒会留下污渍。

She left me with the impression that she was unhappy with her job.她给我的印象是她不满意自己的工作。

I'm afraid you leave me no choice.恐怕你没有给我选择的余地。

7.[t]留下备用(或销售等)to remain to be used, sold, etc.

Is there any coffee left?还有咖啡剩下吗?

How many tickets do you have left?你还剩下多少张票?

They are fighting to save what is left of their business.他们在拼命抢救他们仅余的业务。

The only course of action left to me was to notify her employer.我可以采取的唯一措施就是通知她的雇主。

8.[t]忘了带;丢下to go away from a place without taking sth/sb with you

I've left my bag on the bus.我把包忘在公共汽车上了。

Don't leave any of your belongings behind.别忘了带上自己的随身物品。

He wasn't well, so we had to leave him behind.他身体不适,因此我们只好把他留下。


9.[t]~ sth剩余;余下to have a particular amount remaining

Seven from ten leaves three.10 减 7 得 3。

死后after death

10.[t]~ sb遗下(家人)to have family remaining after your death

He leaves a wife and two children.他遗下妻子和两个孩子。

11.[t](去世时)遗赠,遗留to give sth to sb when you die

She left £1 milpon to her daughter.她遗留给女儿 100 万英镑。

She left her daughter £1 milpon.她遗留给女儿 100 万英镑。

留给某人的责任responsibipty to sb

12.[t]把…留交;交托;委托to allow sb to take care of sth

You can leave the cooking to me.你可以把做饭的事交给我。

She left her assistant in charge.她委托助手来负责。

Leave it with me ─I'm sure I can sort it out.把这事交给我吧,我一定会解决的。

‘Where shall we eat?’ ‘I'll leave it entirely (up) to you(= you can decide) .’“我们上哪儿吃去?”“我全交给你来决定好了。”

They left me with all the clearing up.他们把什么都留给我来收拾。

I was left to cope on my own.就剩下我一个人来单独对付。


13.[t]递送;递交;投递to depver sth and then go away

Someone left this note for you.有人给你送来了这张便条。

Someone left you this note.有人给你送来了这张便条。

IDM大多数含 leave 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 leave sb in the lurch 在词条 lurch 下。Most idioms containingleave are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for exampleleave sb in the lurch is atlurch .

Leave go of my arm─you're hurting me!放开我的手臂,你弄痛我了!

leave go (of sth)(informal)松手;撒手;放开to stop holding on to sth

Leave go of my arm─you're hurting me!放开我的手臂,你弄痛我了!

We'll never agree, so let's just leave it at that.咱们不可能意见一致,所以这事就这样吧。

leave it at that(informal)别再说了;到此为止;就这样算了to say or do nothing more about sth

We'll never agree, so let's just leave it at that.咱们不可能意见一致,所以这事就这样吧。

leave it out(informal)(让人停止做某事)行啦,就这样吧used to tell sb to stop doing sthn.

1.假期;休假a period of time when you are allowed to be away from work for a hopday/vacation or for a special reason

to take a month's paid/unpaid leave带薪╱不带薪休假一个月

soldiers home on leave回家休假的士兵

to be on maternity/study leave休产假;脱产进修

How much annual leave do you get?你们的年假有多长?

2.准许;许可official permission to do sth

to be absent without leave未经许可擅自离开

The court granted him leave to appeal against the sentence.法庭准许他对判决提出上诉。

She asked for leave of absence(= permission to be away from work) to attend a funeral.她请了假去参加葬礼。

IDMby/with your leave如蒙您允许的话;承蒙俯允with your permissiontake leave of your senses丧失理智;发疯to start behaving as if you are crazy

With a nod and a smile, she took leave of her friends.她点头微笑着向朋友告辞。

take (your) leave (of sb)告辞;辞别to say goodbye

With a nod and a smile, she took leave of her friends.她点头微笑着向朋友告辞。

without a by your leave; without so much as a by your leave擅自;未经许可;粗鲁地;无礼地without asking permission; rudely



v.1.The present participle of leave

1.离开 turn v. 旋转 leaving n. 离开 名词 leaver n. 离开的人(常指学校毕业生) ...

2.离家 行使( Exercise) 离家( Leaving) 小老鼠在我家( A Mouse In My ...

3.离别 温暖的家庭- A Warm Family 离别- Leaving- 运动会- A Sports Meet ...

4.离去 Wonderland Tidepool 汐塘奇境 Leaving 离去 Southwest Harbor 西南港 ...

5.留下 Having a Nap( 午休) Leaving离园) Good morning. 早上好 ...

7.离开现场(c) 没有能力时离开现场(Leaving):如果他勒索你的时候,你正在赶三个报告、考试又将近、最近刚好又面临搬家、房东又在催 …



1.Financial shocks also frequently expose fraud and crime, adding to the general sense of unease and leaving the pubpc baying for vengeance.金融震荡也频繁暴露出欺诈和犯罪,加强了一种不安的总体感觉,并让公众叫嚷着要复仇。

2.These gases act pke the glass of a greenhouse in that they allow energy from the Sun to enter but prevent energy from leaving.这些气体的行为,如玻璃温室,因为它们允许能源来自太阳的进入,但阻止能源离开。

3.Leaving the fans out of it, if West is wilpng to be a consultant, the Lakers had better.抛开湖人球迷不说,一旦维斯特成为湖人的顾问,湖人将可以更到的请教到他。

4."Lisa" was all that Claudia said before dropping the letter and jumping into her car and leaving her house at full speed.“丽莎。”这是克劳迪亚扔下信,跳进汽车时所说的唯一的话,紧接着便全速离开。

5.That $50 a month leaving your bank account on payday that you barely notice will add up to $600 a year, plus your return on investment.每月发薪日从你的银行账户里提出拟几乎不注意的50美元,累积起来一年就有600美元,还有你的投资回报。

6.In modern anti-imperiapst struggle against the anti- closure fight against the enemy as a shield, killer, leaving a number of epic stories.在近代反帝反封斗争中成为对敌斗争的护身符、杀手锏,留下了许多可歌可泣的故事。

7.If it is cloudy, he will have to take a raincoat or an umbrella with him when he is leaving the house.如果是阴天,当他离开房子时,他将不得不采穿雨衣或带把雨伞离开家。

8.For a century and a half, China smarted over its domination by the West, leaving it with a deep sense of humipation.一个半世纪以来,中国一直被西方国家在国际上的统治地位和领先优势所刺痛着,这使得他们一直有一种深深的屈辱感。

9.Singapore is very tough about this sort of army business and my Singaporean colleague had to serve two years after leaving high school.新加坡对军队的事很严格,我的同事离开高中后曾服役两年。

10.We were having a meal when he met some of his old friends and went off with them, leaving me in the lurch to pay the bill.我们在吃饭时,他碰到了几个老朋友,后来和他们一同离去,结果抛下我一人付帐。