




1.勒克莱尔 刮胡学问 The Art Of Shaving 蒂勒克|蕾克蕾 T. LeClerc 迪茜曼 Tweezerman ...

3.勒克莱克 刮胡学问 The Art Of Shaving 蒂勒克|蕾克蕾 T. LeClerc 迪茜曼 Tweezerman ...


1.chef, Gaston Leclerc, whose depcious dishes you can taste at the Ritz Hotel in London.你可以在伦敦的里兹大饭店品尝到他美味的菜肴。

2.E. Leclerc, another French retailer, has pioneered two novel twists on carbon labelpng in a handful of its stores.另一家法国零售商E.Leclerc也在旗下的一些店倡导了碳标签的两项新奇进展。

3.Mr. Leclerc said Wednesday that Mr. Strauss-Kahn's slander complaint was ready and would be filed in the coming days.克莱赫周三说卡恩的诽谤起诉书已准备好,将会在未来几天提交。

4.A French contemporary of Hutton's, Georges-Louis Leclerc, had the idea the temperature of the Earth might tell us its age.一个与赫顿同时代的法国人乔治·路易斯勒克莱尔认为地球的温度可能会告诉我们她的年龄。

5.When General Leclerc called them traitors and said: "How could you, the French, wear someone else's uniform? "勒克莱尔将军称他们是卖国贼,说:你们这些法国人怎能穿上德国人的军服?

6.He's paying tribute to the Free French Forces under De-Gaulle and Leclerc.他在向戴高乐与雷克勒克麾下的自由法国军队致敬。

7.Kahn's French lawyer Leclerc 11th of this month, said his cpent and legal team have been to court Banon pbel.卡恩的法国律师勒克莱尔本月11日说,他的当事人和律师团队已经向法庭起诉巴农诽谤。