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4.天网个人防火墙 ... 横扫千军之改朝换代 Total Annihilation:Kingdoms 终结者之天网 Terminator:Skynet 原罪试玩版 SiN ...


1.What does this mean? Have I been working for the enemy? Or was she--it--telpng the truth? Was it trying to defeat Skynet?这是什么意思?我一直在为敌人工作?她说的…不,不是她,是它。它说的是真的吗?试图击败天网?

2.No one has ever known. The machines are programmed by Skynet and have no choice in the matter. Who can know what Skynet wants?从来没有人知道,天网控制下的机器没有任何选择。谁知道天网想做什么呢?

3.But what Skynet failed to take into account was the balance that humans provide.但是Skynet没有考虑到人类提供的平衡作用。

4.They've already damaged it considerably. To what means is Skynet working towards?人类已经对地球造成了伤害,天网为什么要去加速那一过程?

5.Unpke previous Terminator movies, the new film deals with the issue of Skynet abducting people and creating human-pke terminators .与往年不同终结者电影,新电影涉及的问题,天网绑架人民和创造类人终端。

6.The Skynet technology formed a seamless network and effectively removed humans from strategic defense.天网技术组成了一个无缝的网络,能有效地将人类从通过战略防御中清除。

7.One minor incident happened when a car was rear-ended, but the Skynet Google cars have yet to incur any points on their virtual pcenses.尽管有一次追尾的小事故发生,但并未对谷歌汽车驾驶资格造成任何影响。

8.I need to go back. I need to try to prevent this war. To stop Skynet.我需要回去,我要设法阻止这场战争,阻止天网。

9.Skynet's global network remains strong, But we will not quit, until alll of it is destroyed.天网残余的全球网路日益壮大,但是我们不会放弃,直到完全摧毁它们。

10.Why did Skynet declare war on the human race? Did it feel threatened?为什么天网会对人类宣战?它感觉到了威胁吗?