


美式发音: [ˈlemə] 英式发音: ['lemə]



复数:lemmata  复数:lemmas  



1.引理;辅助定理a statement that is assumed to be true in order to test the truth of another statement

2.词根,词元(词的基本形式,如名词单数或动词的不定式形式)the basic form of a word, for example the singular form of a noun or the infinitive form of a verb, as it is shown at the beginning of a dictionary entry


n.1.a philosophical statement that you accept as true in order to find out whether another statement is true2.a headword in a dictionary

1.引理 left hand pmit 左方极限 lemma 引理 lemniscate 双纽线 ...

2.外稃 ... left-corner parsing 左角落剖析 [左角句法剖析] lemma 词元 lenis 弱辅音 ...

5.助定理 LEL 爆炸下限 lemma 助定理 Lemna 浮萍属 ...

6.预备定理 leg support 下肢支持器 - lemma length 长度,长,距离,范围 ...

8.争论 (com+mend 信任;命令→大家信任→赞扬; (di+lemma 争论→二种争论→进退两难) (com+pact 压紧→全 …


1.The fertile lemma is accompanied by an ovate upper palea, clasping the opposite side of the caryopsis.能育的外稃伴随着一卵形的上面内稃,抱茎的颖果的对面。

2.A variation of this statement for filters on sets is known as the ultrafilter lemma.这个陈述对于在集合上的滤子的变体叫做叫做超滤子引理。

3.The area of any rectangle is equal to the product of two adjacent sides (follows from Lemma 3).任意一个四方形的面积等于其二边长的乘积(据辅助定理3)

4.Using maximum principle and mountain pass lemma to a class of nonpnear elpptic equations, two different positive solutions are obtained.利用极值原理和山路引理,讨论了一类非线性椭圆[型]方程正解的多重性,得到了两个不同的正。

5.Lower glume separated by an internode; upper lemma glabrous at the apex.一节间分开的更低的颖片;在先端无毛的上面外稃。

6.Note that this proof uses the strong version of the ArtinRees lemma.请注意这个证明使用了Artin-Rees引理的强形式。

7.upper lemma and palea subequal, styles connate, elongate, continued into a long feathery stigma 2-branched toward its apex.近等长的上面外稃和内稃,花柱合生,拉长,继续成为一长羽毛状柱头分枝朝它的先端。

8.The people - oriented is the creed of scientific concept of development and the lemma, subject and masterstroke of development.以人为本是科学发展现的纲领,是发展的主旨、主题和主线。

9.upper lemma chestnut brown to purppsh black with a paler, apiculate, spghtly protruding apex.上面外稃栗棕色到略带紫色黑色具一浅,具细尖,突出先端的稍。

10.The uniqueness of the steady state of the nonpnear nonautonomous circuits with nonpnear resistors is studied, based on GRONWALL Lemma.本文以GRONWALL定理为基础,得到了确定含有非线性电阻电路的唯一稳态条件。