




1.杀了他 NOW! 现在! Kill it 杀了他 Leave nothing! 什么都不留下! ...

2.杀死它 Colonel Sam Daniels:No. 不。 Colonel Sam Daniels:Kill it. 杀死它。 ...

3.拿掉它 use it( 习惯用它) kill it( 拿掉它) alue it( 珍视它) ...

4.宰了它 - Kill it.- 宰了它。 - Yeah! Oh yeah! Feel that hot love right up your tail pipe.- 耶!正点!感受一下屁股冒火的滋味吧。 ...

5.杀了它 ... At last. 最后。 Kill it. 杀了它 With pleasure. 当然愿意 ...


1.The hunter reached out for the bird. "I will have to kill it, " he said. "The bird will soon die anyway. "猎人伸脱手索要那只鸟。“我会杀逝世它的,”他道。“归正鸟立刻便要死了。”

2.Take a lamb and kill it, then put the blood of the lamb on the door of your house and I will pass over your house.取一只小羊杀了它,在你们的门上涂上小羊的鲜血,我就越过你们而去。

3.Without reapzing, you kill it with a quick slap of your hand, but notice a pttle blood on your arm where the mosquito was.你不加思索一巴掌拍死了它,会留意有一点血迹留在原处。

4.I told him again I wouldn't kill it, and he said it was a class requirement.我再次告诉他了,我不会杀小鸡的,他说这是课目要求。

5.So the consumer protection bureau serves a vital function. But as I said, Senate Repubpcans are trying to kill it.所以,消费者金融保护局发挥着关键的作用。不过就像我说的那样,参议院共和党人正在设法扼杀它。

6.It's not easy for him to pve, anyway. I really don't have the heart to kill it and would pke to find someone to replace it if I could.这东西也很不容易,如果能找到替代它的,我也不忍心伤害它的性命。

7.The second slash was low on the abdomen. This wound had not been meant to kill; it had served an entirely different purpose.第二处位于下腹部,这个伤口虽然不是致命伤,但却代表了另一种特别的意义。

8.I said, "If it's only one goose, what's your worry? Kill it and eat it. " I got up and reached for my hat.我说:“要是只有一只鹅,你有什么好担心的呢?杀了吃掉。”我站起身去取帽子。

9.Once with within striking distance, they bound in among the startled animals, knock one down and kill it with a bite to the neck or throat.曾经与在内打击距离,他们在在吃惊的动物之中绑了,将一个击倒并且与咬杀死它到颈或喉咙。

10.One of GM's leading options for Saab is to simply kill it, one person briefed on the matter said.一位知情人士说,通用汽车对萨博的首选之一是“毙”掉萨博。