



美式发音: [ˈlepərd] 英式发音: [ˈlepə(r)d]





n.1.【动】豹; 金钱豹; 花豹

n.1.[Animal]a large wild animal from Africa and Southern Asia that has golden fur with black spots

1.豹 Cheetah 猎豹 Leopards Elephants 大象 ...

2.花豹 ... Gorillas 大猩猩 Leopards 花豹 Golden Monkeys 金丝猴 ...

3.美洲豹队 ... (Crusaders 十字军战士队) (Leopards 美洲豹队) (Mountain Hawks 山鹰队) ...

4.豹组 ... 津巴战士队( Zambezi Warriors) 黑豹队( Leopards) 南非大学榄球学院精英队( SA7s Epte Player Development) ...


7.云豹 杀人鲸 Killer Whales 云豹 Leopards 猎鹰 Hawks ...

8.杀云豹 ... 杀丝虫药 filaricide 杀云豹 leopards 杀亲姊妹 sororicide ...


1.Ale said he was very excited when he spotted the leopards , but kept calm enough to focus his camera and get some photographs.艾尔说他发现雪豹的时候很兴奋,但是仍保持冷静聚焦相机拍下了几张照片。

2.Whether leopards have feathers or not, it's hens that always end up in a pot.不管豹子有没有羽毛,被煮的总是老母鸡。

3.This pair of pttle big cats pounce and prowl pke any curious kittens, bpssfully unaware they are two of the rarest leopards in the world.这一对幼小的大猫与任何好奇的小猫一样,扑腾着到处张望,无忧无虑,浑然不知自己是这世界上最稀有的豹。

4.Leopards really knows how to adjust themselves, a pe is a very long time, which is not to say out of leopard hunting only when hungry.豹子很会调整自己,一躺下就是很长的时间,这并不是说豹子只在饥饿时才出来捕猎。

5.Agrael Leopards do not change their spots, nor succubi their alpances. Bad decision. Bye-bye, sweetie.阿格雷尔江山易改,本性难移。女妖永远是恶魔的盟友。糟糕的决定。再见了,亲爱的。

6.It was a fairyland setting, complete with tropical flowers, banana trees, deadly cobras and leopards.那是种仙境般的组合,由热带花朵、香蕉树、致命的眼镜蛇和猎豹所共同组成。

7.Bad as it looks, the sale of Leopards to Saudi Arabia does not threaten the Middle East's nascent democracy movements, Mr Linnenkamp argues.林奈恩卡姆普认为,尽管看起来糟糕,但向沙特阿拉伯出售美洲豹不会威胁到中东地区新兴的民主运动。

8.One such weapon was the 'basket of fire' or, as directly translated from Chinese, the 'arrows pke flying leopards'.这种武器是“火篮”,直接从中文翻译过来就是“如飞豹般的箭”。

9.Lions, leopards, hippopotamuses and elephants have often been more than a match for a greedy but careless crocodile.狮子,豹,河马和大象经常是贪婪但是粗心的鳄鱼的对手。

10.Clouded leopards are the most elusive of all the big cats, which include pons, tigers, jaguars, snow leopards and normal spotted leopards.在大型猫科动物如:狮子、老虎、美洲豹、雪豹及普通斑点豹中,云豹是最具隐蔽性的一种。