


美式发音: [leˈsi] 英式发音: [leˈsiː]






1.承租人;租户a person who has use of a building, an area of land, etc. on a lease


n.1.someone who pays rent to use land or property and has signed a leasea legal agreement with the owner. The owner is called the lessor.

1.承租人 length of tenancy 租期 lessee 承租人;租户 lessor 出租人;批租人 ...

2.租户 length of tenancy 租期 lessee 承租人;租户 lessor 出租人;批租人 ...

3.承租方 Lemons Problem 次品问题/逆向选择问题 Lessee 承租方 Lessor 出租方 ...

4.租用人 ... lending rate 两- 贷款利率 lessee 两- 承租人;租用人 less favourable currency 两- 弱币;软币 ...

5.租借人 冒险贷借 bottomry 贷借人 lessee 被贷借 rent ...


1.The lease beginning date shall refer to the date on which the lessee begins to have the right to use the leased asset.租赁期开始日,是指承租人有权行使其使用租赁资产权利的开始日。

2.Secondly, the article makes the analysis of the legal nature of the building lessee's preemptive right.其次,分析了承租人优先购买权的法律性质。

3.If leasing companies did not receive notice of the lessee, that most of the rental contract will be automatically updated.如果租赁公司没有收到承租人的通知,那大多数租赁合同就会自动更新。

4.In case of any claim by a third person, the lessee shall timely notify the lessor.第三人主张权利的,承租人应当及时通知出租人。

5.The lessor is not maintenance, repairs made to the lessor the lessee the right to request, demand lessor maintenance.出租人不维修时,承租人有权向出租人提出维修的要求,催告出租人维修。

6.If the bank account information changed, the lessor shall immediately notify the lessee in writing.如该银行账户信息发作变卦,出租方应立刻书面通知承租方。

7.Future leasing model must be to meet the operating needs of the lessee, and lessee's cash flow match, take a flexible approach also rent.未来的租赁模式,必然要满足承租人的经营需求,与承租人的现金流相匹配,采取灵活的还租方式。

8.However, if unable to repair the lessor, the lessee may be repaired, the cost is deducted from the rent, or by the lessor of payment.但如果出租人无力修缮的,承租人可以予以修缮,费用从租金中扣除,或由出租人分期偿还。

9.In case of the above, the Lessor shall be entitled to detain or forfeit the Deposit and the rent prepaid by the Lessee.如果发生本条第一款所述情况,甲方有权扣留或没收乙方的押金及预交的租金。

10.If the substance of the lease is capital, the property must be recorded as an asset and pabipty on the lessee's books.作为融资租赁,在承租人的报表上,租赁物品必须作为资产和负债记录。