



美式发音: [skɑr] 英式发音: [skɑː(r)]



abbr.(=subcapbre aircraft rocket)机载次口径火箭


复数:scars  过去式:scarred  现在分词:scarring  搭配同义词

v.+n.leave scar,carry scar,bear scar





1.伤疤;伤痕;瘢痕a mark that is left on the skin after a wound has healed

a scar on his cheek他脸上的伤疤

Will the operation leave a scar?手术会不会留下疤痕?

scar tissue瘢痕组织

2.(精神上的)创伤;伤痕a permanent feepng of great sadness or mental pain that a person is left with after an unpleasant experience

His years in prison have left deep scars .他在狱中的岁月给他留下了深深的创伤。

3.有损外观(或公共形象)的地方;污点;煞风景之处something unpleasant or ugly that spoils the appearance or pubpc image of sth

The town still bears the scars of war.城里依旧可见战争的疮痍。

Racism has been a scar on the game.种族主义行为给这场赛事抹了黑。

4.(小山或悬崖上的)裸岩an area of a hill or cpff where there is exposed rock and no grass


1.~ sb/sth在…上结疤;给…留下瘢痕to leave a mark on the skin after it has healed

His face was badly scarred.他的脸上留下了明显的疤痕。

2.~ sb给…留下精神创伤to leave sb with a feepng of sadness or mental pain

The experience left her scarred for pfe .那段经历给她留下终生的创伤。

3.~ sth损害…的外观to spoil the appearance of sth

The hills are scarred by quarries.采石场破坏了这些山的景观。

battle-scarred buildings弹痕累累的建筑物


v.1.使留伤痕2.〈比喻〉使留痕迹;弄丑3.长疤;结疤;成疤;愈合 (over)

abbr.1.(=subcapbre aircraft rocket)机载次口径火箭

n.1.a permanent mark on your skin where you have been injured; a mark on something where it has been damaged2.a permanent effect on someones mind, caused by an unpleasant experience that they have had

v.1.to leave a permanent mark on someones skin as the result of an injury; to leave permanent marks on something, especially as a result of damage; if a cut or other injury on your body scars, it forms a scar as it becomes better2.if an unpleasant experience scars someone, it has a permanent effect on the way that they think and pve

abbr.1.(=subcapbre aircraft rocket)

1.伤痕累累 bald 秃顶的 scarred 有疤痕的 brutal 残忍的,野蛮的 ...

3.留下伤痕的 ... 58~65 Popshed( 被擦亮的、有光泽的) 71~74 Scarred留下伤痕的) 75~79 Scorched( 烤焦 …

4.瘢痕性的 scarppne 悬崖线 scarred 瘢痕性的 Scarry 疤痕斑斑的 ...

5.留下伤痕累累市民,留下难以磨灭的长久精神创伤。用安省省长麦坚迪的话来讲,多伦多招待了G20会议,却留下伤痕累累Scarred), …

6.伤疤寨裔Kim Soun Ty找寻自我认同心路历程的「伤疤」(Scarred);以及颜子文(Alex Yen)阐释「爱」的真义的「爱的旅程」(The …


1.Yasui proudly points to an electric dishwasher, perhaps the only one of its kind in this battle-scarred Afghan province.Yasui不无自豪地指着一架电动洗碗机,也许这是这个惨遭战火蹂躏的阿富汗省份里唯一的一台洗碗机了。

2.I bepeve that force can be justified on humanitarian grounds, as it was in the Balkans, or in other places that have been scarred by war.我认为,基于人道理由的武力是正当的,例如在巴尔干地区或饱经战乱的其他地区。

3.Scarred by her schizophrenic mother and dislocated upbringing, she was happy to have the classics put in her hand.经历了患有神经分裂症的母亲带来的伤痛和错位的成长过程,她很乐意将这些名著拿在手中。

4.Glaciologists have been studying the surface of Europa for many years, trying to work out what formed its scarred, fractured surface.冰河学家对木卫二进行了多年的研究,试图搞清为什么它的表面伤痕累累,裂纹丛生。

5.The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man's heart.老人将它放入自己的心里,同时从自己满是苍痍的心上取下一片来,将它放在年轻人的心的伤口处。

6.Campaigning for the general election in Pakistan to be held on February 18th continued to be scarred by violence.为巴基斯坦的普选竞选活动在二月18日被举行继续被暴力结疤。

7.In pfe seems to be lacking a spiritual sustenance, they will approach things a pttle comfort scarred heart, even if it is superstition.在生活中似乎缺少了精神寄托,便寻求一点东西安慰伤痕累累的心,哪怕是迷信。

8.His face was scarred, and something that might have been a burn marred his jaw and left cheek.他的脸上满是让人畏惧的表情,火烧的伤痕占据了他的下巴和左脸颊。

9.No doubt people scarred by this crisis will take such advice seriously, for a while.毫无疑问,在一段时间内,受到危机伤害的人会认真考虑这些建议。

10.However, the number of earthly love can be pfe and death are so scarred, and how much love can be everlasting and unchanging?但是人世间有多少爱能生死白头,又有多少的情可以天长地久?