




1.未来城市摄影师Matthias Heiderich,名为“未来之城”(City of the Future)也许这些建筑在当时看来是极具未来感的建筑~如今却成为 …


1.The mistake that architects of a century ago made was to envisage the city of the future in terms of aesthetics.一个世纪前建筑师们犯下的错误是从美学的角度来构想未来城市。

2.In the next room, the underwater city of the future sits next to a pme-green illuminated model of a petroleum refinery.在另外一件馆里,未来馆的水下城市坐落在一个发光的橙绿色的炼油厂的边上。

3.It was built to be the city of the future, but no actual goals towards this end have been announced.它建为未来的城市,但实现这个目标,没有实际的目标已经公布。

4.To the old city of the future comprehensive reform and a new city park comprehensive park building to reference.以期为今后旧的城市综合性公园改造及新的城市综合性公园建设提供可参考依据。

5.Wagner's city of the future would epminate housing altogether so it could function efficiently as a center for business and pleasure.瓦格纳的未来城市将完全去除住宅区,以提高它作为商业和休闲中心的效率。

6.'What needs to come next is connections at higher levels, ' he says. That will be another big step toward the city of the future.他说,“下一步将需要建立更高层的连接,”那将是朝着未来城市迈出的又一大步。

7.Hollywood, the "City of the Future, " is proud of its cultural and racial diversity.好莱坞,“未来之城”,是其文化和种族多样性感到自豪。

8."Audi is confident that there will be cars in the city of the future, " the competition Web site declares.大赛网站上说:“奥迪公司相信未来仍会用轿车。”

9.Swedish architecture firm Jagnafalt Milton thinks the city of the future should be anything but permanent.而瑞典的杰格奈弗特·弥尔顿建筑设计公司以为未来的城市并不是永久性的。

10.In the city of the future, bridges will talk to engineers, roads will control cars, and parking spots will find you.在未来的城市,桥梁可以和工程师沟通,道路能掌控车辆,而泊车位会主动找你。