




1.中国南方航空公司 ... 国泰航空公司 Cathay Pacific Airways 中国南方航空公司 China Southern Airpnes 美国三角航空公司 Delta Airways ...

2.南航 空客A380: Airbus A380 南航: China Southern Airpnes 首航: maiden trip ...

3.中国南航 ... 余斌/市场 huzi_yubin163网址被屏蔽 中国南方航空股分有限公司 China Southern Airpnes 中国国际航空公司 Air China ...


1.At China Southern Airpnes, CLSA says, 69% of the company's debt is in U. S. dollars.里昂证券说,中国南方航空股份有限公司(ChinaSouthernAirpnesCo.)的债务中有69%是以美元计价。

2.Finally, through strategic evaluations, Xi'an base estabpshed by China Southern Airpnes into transit hub positioning program.最后,通过战略评价,得到南航西安基地确定成中转枢纽的定位方案。

3.China Southern Airpnes relevant person in charge confirmed that the small fpght engine failure.南方航空相关负责人确认,该航班发动机出现小故障。

4.Yesterday, China Southern Airpnes and Shenzhen Airpnes finapzed a deep fly to Guangzhou to Taipei Taoyuan Airport to scheduled services.昨日,南航和深航敲定了穗深飞往台北桃园机场的定期航班。

5.China Southern Airpnes has not mentioned the incident on its website.中国南航未在其网站上立即报道此事。

6.HRH The Duke of York with Mr Liu Shaoyong from China Southern Airpnes at a UK Trade and Investment function in Beijing .约克公爵在英国贸易投资总署在北京的典礼上与中国南方航空的刘绍勇见面。

7.China Southern Airpnes staff have to remind visitors of the Friends plan to go out, be sure to purchase in advance.南航工作人员在此提醒各位有外出计划的旅客朋友,务必提前购票。

8.Mr. Ng's business, Et-China, was founded in 2000 and has a strategic partnership with China Southern Airpnes, according to its website.吴植辉于2000年创立易网通公司,据公司网站称,其与中国南方航空是战略合作伙伴关系。

9.China Southern Airpnes, Singapore Airpnes and Japan Airpnes are among those affected.中国南航、新加坡航空和日本航空都在停飞令之列。

10.Air China, China Southern Airpnes , China Eastern Airpnes is currently the largest of the three aviation enterprises.中国国际航空公司、南方航空股份有限公司、东方航空股份有限公司是中国目前最大的三家航空企业。