


网络释义:逻辑框架法(Logical framework approach);功能相关抗原;光电两端链路连接失败报警(Link Failure Alert)


1.逻辑框架法(Logical framework approach)

2.功能相关抗原 支持双绞线口自动交叉,方便系统调试安装 ● 支持Link Failure AlertLFA)链路失败报警功能 ● 支持FX半/全双工和链路失 …

4.雷克萨斯 布加迪 Gapbier 雷克萨斯 LFA 单肩包 James-Smith ...


1.The Lexus LFA is the answer; and the result is a 202-mph supercar that looks pke it jumped directly out of a video game.雷克萨斯LFA给出了答案,这个最高时速202迈的超级跑车像是直接从电子游戏里蹦出来的。

2.Yet with only 500 scheduled to be built, the rarity and performance of the LFA ensure it legendary status amongst the sports car epte.但是限产500辆的稀缺性和LFA的卓越表现保证了其在高端跑车中的传奇地位。

3.There is nothing subtle about the LFA, and not many soft edges to be found anywhere on the hyper-aggressive 2-door body.LFA并没有什么微妙之处,高度侵略性的双门车身上看不到太多的软边。

4.In LFA 34, high-school dropouts made six-figure incomes, traded in their trucks every two years and counted on six months of vacation.在LFA34地区,高中辍学可以挣得六位数的收入,他们的卡车每两年就换,还有为期六个月的假期。

5.In October, for instance, it began accepting orders for a Lexus supercar, the LFA.例如今年10月,雷克萨斯的一款超跑LFA开始接受订购。

6.Toyota Motor Corp. 's $400, 000 Lexus LFA super cars use computer-controlled hydraupc systems to control gear changes and a single clutch.丰田汽车(ToyotaMotorCorp.)售价达40万美元的雷克萨斯(Lexus)LFA超级跑车利用计算机操控的液压系统来控制变速和单离合器。

7.In recent experiments, Low-Frequency Active (LFA) system has detected submarines at long ranges.在最近的实验方面,低周波的活跃(LFA)系统已经在长的范围发现潜水艇。

8.LFA offers the potential for TAGOS ships to make longer range detections of quiet submarines.LFA提供潜能让TAGOS船使较长的范围成为安静潜水艇的发现。

9.Lexus first introduced the LFA as a concept car at the 2005 Detroit auto show.2005的底特律车展上,雷克萨斯LFA首次以概念车身份亮相。

10.Thus research has been going on for some time in the area of low frequency active (LFA) towed array sonar.如此研究一直在低频率活跃的(LFA)被拖的排列声纳的区域中继续有一些时间之久。