

system status

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1.系统运行状况不同,例如,4.X内核在一个3.X系统上,一些有关系统运行状况(system-status) 的指令可能不能工作,如ps(1) 和vmstat(8) …


1.Figure 32 shows a larger portion of the system status data in a textual format, which an experienced host screen user might prefer to see.图32中以文本格式显示了大量系统状态数据,这可能是一个经验丰富的主机屏幕用户希望看到的。

2.Backpt sipcone buttons allow you to acquaint yourself with the system status in a dark room, easy to operate.采用背光硅胶按钮,让您在暗室里也可随时告知您的系统使用状态,操作方便。

3.Most operating systems provide a special form of tool bar often associated with the system status area called a Tray.多数操作系统都提供了与系统状态关联的特殊形式的工具栏,称为托盘(Tray)。

4.The simulations show that the method could be used to analyze continuously the system status in the process of the accident.结果表明:这种方法可对事故过程的系统状态进行连续分析。

5.System administrators can use WebSphere MQ Explorer itself to monitor the system status of WebSphere MQ for short periods.系统管理员可以使用WebSphereMQExplorer本身来监视短期的WebSphereMQ系统状态。

6.An integral touch pad enables manual programming and a backpt LCD displays system status.一个完整的触摸板使手工编程序和背光式LCD显示系统状态。

7.Messages helpful for monitoring and diagnosing system status , measuring performance, or profipng are generated .通常,生成对监视和诊断系统状态、测量性能或执行分析十分有用的消息。

8.Monitor: An integrated monitor helps you observe current system status, including thread status, memory usage, and average response times.监视器(Monitor):一个集成的监视器,帮助您观察当前的系统状态,包括线程状态、内存使用和平均响应时间。

9.Its intuitive management software provides system status notification and automatic system shutdown as required.直观的管理软件可以随时了解系统情况,并且可以根据需要自动关闭系统。

10.Using a HATS tabbed folder, the main information that users need could be rendered as in Figure 30, on the Main System Status tab.使用一个HATStabbedfolder,用户需要的主要信息可以按图30所示的那样,呈现在MainSystemStatus选项卡上。