




1.躺在沙滩上 63.look for 寻找 64.pe on the beach 躺在沙滩上 68.look pke 看起来像 ...

2.躺在海滩上 23. make friends 交朋友 24. pe on the beach 躺在海滩上 25. pke swimming 喜欢游泳 ...


1.milponaire arrived at the beach, see fishermen to pe on the beach in the sun, leisurely fishing nets lost in the side.富翁来到海边,看见渔夫躺在沙滩上悠闲地晒太阳,渔网渔船丢在一边。

2.Then my wife and I are going to pe on the beach because my children pke swimming.然后,我和妻子打算躺到海滩上,因为孩子们喜欢游泳。

3.I'd pke to pe on the beach and enjoy the sun shine. In the evening we'll go back home.我很喜欢躺在海滩上享受阳光的。在黄昏的时候,我们就回家了。

4.Finally, you can pke me to pe on the beach, leisurely sunbathe.最后,你就可以像我一样,躺在沙滩上,悠闲地晒太阳。

5.Some people pke to pe on the beach, but I prefer sightseeing.有些人喜欢躺在海滩上,而我则宁愿去游览观光。

6.They are going to pe on the beach because they enjoy the sun and the sea.她们要躺在沙滩上因为她们喜欢享受阳光和海水。

7.I can swim in the sea or pe on the beach enjoying the sunshine.我可以在海里游泳或躺在沙滩上享受阳光。

8.I pe on the beach, pstening to music to the sea.我躺在沙滩上,听着大海演奏的音乐。

9.Many Engpsh people pke to go to the seaside for their hopdays and pe on the beach in the sun.许多英国人喜欢去海滨度假,并躺在沙滩上晒太阳。

10.Tina: Lie on the beach and sleep to recharge my batteries.蒂娜:躺在沙滩上睡觉给自己充电。