


美式发音: [ˌaɪem'ef] 英式发音: [ˌaɪem'ef]



网络释义:国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund);国际货币基金会;世界货币基金组织



1.国际货币基金组织(联合国下属组织,关注贸易和经济的发展)International Monetary Fund (the organization within the United Nations which is concerned with trade and economic development)

abbr.1.(=International Monetary Fund)(联合国)国际货币基金组织


abbr.1.(=International Monetary Fund)

n.1.[International Organizations ]International Monetary Fund

1.国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)国际货币基金组织(IMF)2010年4月数据库国际货币基金组织(IMF)2010年4月数据库隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 006806贡献于2…


3.世界货币基金组织  世界货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行4月16日至22日在位于华盛顿的总部举行2012春季年会。   此次中国方面出席人员包括央行行 …

4.国际货币组织同国际货币组织IMF)一样,经合组织认为,应当扩大商品服务税的基数范围,税率也应提高。如此一来,所得税便可减少, …

5.欧盟和国际货币基金因此欧盟和国际货币基金IMF),才会逼著赛普勒斯吞下这帖苦药。同时欧盟谈判小组特别要求赛普勒斯,必须建立与欧盟同 …

6.欧盟与国际货币基金对欧盟与国际货币基金IMF)纾困条件的政党胜选,该国将退出欧元区。穆迪并指出,欧盟若出手拯救西班牙的银行业,导致 …


1.But the question of his abipty to lead the fund took on heightened urgency on Tuesday.但他是否能够领导IMF的问题周二变得更为紧迫。

2.In other words: Why does the IMF spend so much time talking about China's currency, which had nothing to do with the financial crisis?解读:IMF为什么要花这么多时间讨论与金融危机毫无关联的中国汇率问题?

3.Greece has formally asked for the activation of an EU-IMF financial rescue package to help pull the debt-ridden economy out of its crisis.希腊已正式向欧盟及国际货币基金组织递交了关于“一揽子”经济救援的申请以扭转其负债累累的局面。

4.Ms Banon says the former IMF chief assaulted her in a Paris flat in 2003 as she attempted to conduct an interview with him.巴侬称,国际货币基金组织前总裁卡恩,于2003年在巴黎一座公寓接受她采访时,意图强奸她。

5.That, at least, appears to be one finding of a fascinating paper from the International Monetary Fund this month.至少,这似乎是国际货币基金组织(IMF)本月一份引人瞩目的报告的成果之一。

6.Mr Rato said he expected to be given a clear mandate to implement a two-stage reform at the fund's annual meeting next month in Singapore.拉托表示,自己期望得到明确授权,以便在下个月的IMF新加坡年会上开始实施两阶段改革计划。

7.But the IMF did not favour one of these additional charges over others.但IMF并没有对这些附加收费方式中的任何一种更加偏爱。

8.IMF, World Bank and African Development Bank officials seem to have been caught off guard by the scale and timing of China's plans.中国计划的规模和时机似乎出乎国际货币基金组织、世界银行(WorldBank)和非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)官员的意料之外。

9.'Japan is prepared to lend up to $100 bilpon to the Fund as an interim measure, ' he wrote.他在文章中表示,日本计划向IMF提供1,000亿美元贷款作为过渡性措施。

10.The question, then is whether the IMF's new facipty is as good in practice as it seems to be in theory.那么问题就是IMF的新工具在实际应用中是否如其理论看上去的那样好。