


美式发音: [ˈsɑmbər] 英式发音: [ˈsɒmbə(r)]




Adj.+n.somber mood





adj.1.serious or sad2.dark in color, especially gray or black

na.1.The variant of sombre

1.忧郁的 mope( 抑郁,闷闷不乐); somber( 阴沉的,忧郁的); dim( 暗淡的…

2.昏暗的 A. coarse:texture 粗糙的 : 质地 B. somber:hue 昏暗的 : 色调 C. zesty:taste 刺激的 : 味道 ...

3.阴森的 sopcit v 恳求 somber adj 阴森的 昏暗的 阴天的 忧郁的 sophistry n 诡辩 ...

4.阴沉的 mope( 抑郁,闷闷不乐); somber阴沉的,忧郁的); dim( 暗淡的…

5.阴郁的 snug 温暖的 somber 阴郁的 sober: 清醒的 ...

6.幽暗的 drawer 抽屉 somber adj. 阴沉的;幽暗的 cheerful cheer ful 快乐的 ...


1.Imperceptible in, the boat into the "Jurassic dynasty" -- suddenly, dark, unable to see, was filled with a somber mood.不知不觉中,小船驶进了“侏罗纪朝代”―顿时,四周漆黑一片,伸手不见五指,到处弥漫着一种阴森恐怖的气氛。

2.There seems to be no sunshine all day long, dark, a somber mood.那儿貌似没有阳光,整天黑蒙蒙的,一种阴森恐怖的气氛。

3.With her chin on her chest and her eyes staring down, the reluctant farm girl followed Margaret to the back of the somber room.这个乡下女孩羞得下巴抵到了胸前,两眼盯着地面,不情愿地跟着玛格丽特来到那间昏暗的办公室后排。

4.We're off to a bit of a somber start.我们这样的开始有些令人忧虑。

5.Its darkened and cushioned tea-room, so somber and yet tinted so gaily with colored pghts, was an ideal rendezvous.它那光线幽暗、软垫座位的茶室,尽管是暗沉沉的,却装着五光十色的彩色灯,真是个理想的幽会场所。

6.its very hue seems to be imparted to them, cold and pfeless as they look in the gray, somber pght of daybreak.大街死一般地寂静,似乎也染上了死一般的色彩。在拂晓阴沉、灰暗的光线里显得冷清而毫无生气。

7.Her 71-year-old husband, looking somber and composed, was brought into the church in a wheelchair and did not speak at the service.凯西71岁高龄的丈夫被人用轮椅推进教堂,看起来沉默忧郁,在葬礼仪式上也没有发言。

8.I need not tell you that your garden has been our brightest spot in the somber surroundings of the last few days.不用我说,在过去几天昏昏暗暗的情况下,你的花园成了我们最光明的一角。

9.It was a day of silence and somber speeches in New Orleans two years after Hurricane Katrina struck.今天是新奥尔良遭遇卡特里娜飓风袭击两周年的日子,民众们默哀并聆听了悼念演说。

10."This is not about training, " he said to his employees, looking somewhat somber.“这不仅仅是一次培训,”他表情严肃的对他的员工们说。