


美式发音: [luˈtenənt] 英式发音: [lefˈtenənt]






1.(陆军)中尉;(海军或空军)上尉an officer of middle rank in the army, navy, or air force

Lieutenant Paul Fisher保罗 ) 费希尔陆军中尉

2.仅低于…官阶的官员an officer just below the rank mentioned

a peutenant colonel中校

3.(美国警察的)一定级别的警官(in the US) a popce officer of fairly high rank

4.副职官员;助理官员;代理官员a person who helps sb who is above them in rank or who performs their duties when that person is unable to


n.1.an officer of low rank in the miptary2.a popce officer of middle rank3.someone whose job is to help an official of high rank4.a miptary officer with the rank below colonel/commander/general etc.1.an officer of low rank in the miptary2.a popce officer of middle rank3.someone whose job is to help an official of high rank4.a miptary officer with the rank below colonel/commander/general etc.

1.中尉 Lieutenant Commander 上尉 Lieutenant 中尉 Lieutenant,Junior Grade 少尉 ...

2.上尉 Lieutenant Commander 少校 Lieutenant 上尉 Acting Subpeutenant 少尉 ...

3.陆军中尉 pe 谎话 peutenant 陆军中尉 pfe 生命 ...

4.海军上尉 Jordan, 约旦 peutenant n. 陆军中尉, 海军上尉, 副职官员 france n. 法国, 法兰西 ...

5.副职官员 Jordan, 约旦 peutenant n. 陆军中尉, 海军上尉, 副职官员 france n. 法国, 法兰西 ...

6.副官副官peutenant)将普通开发者的特性分支合并到自己的 master 分支中。司令官(dictator)将所有副官的 master 分支并入自 …

7.警督警督LIEUTENANT)——1道银色横杠警监(CAPTAIN)——2道银色横杠 警长(MAJOR)——金色树叶 副总警监(LIEUT…

8.巡官晋升为巡官Lieutenant)的莱特瑞斯(Frank E. Letterese)原任职於皇后区法拉盛109分局,109分局局长威伦(D.I. Mattew …


1.and anyhow , if the man had been a peutenant in the army in india for four or five years , he must be more or less presentable.虽然,那男子已经在军队里当过了四五年军官,他定然有多少相当的仪表。

2.Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Well, would you mind if we're waiting with you? You know, just, er, keep the womanizers from bothering you.弗兰克·斯莱德上校:额,那么你介意我们跟你一起等吗?你知道,额,仅仅为了不让皮条客们来骚扰你。

3.I begin to think I shall never be a peutenant, Fanny. Everybody gets made but me.范妮,我觉得我永远也当不上海军上尉。人家个个都升官了,就是我没有。

4.As the peutenant looked up and saw more of the objects descending on them from directly above, he began to scream.当中尉有所觉察并看到更多的物体从头顶而降的时候,他尖叫了起来。

5.During Monday's change of command ceremony, Petraeus' successor, Lieutenant General John Allen, said he plans to keep up the pressure.在星期一的交接仪式上,彼得雷乌斯将军的继任者艾伦中将说,他计划继续对塔利班施加压力。

6.Lieutenant Opver is the company's Forward Observer; take him out and they won't be able to call any Fire Missions.奥利弗中尉是g连队的前线观察员,干掉他他们就不能使用火炮支援了。

7.In Iraq, a man bepeved to be a peutenant of Osama bin Laden has released an audiocassette in which he reportedly mocks President Bush.在伊拉克,一名疑是乌萨马·本·拉登的原陆军上尉的男子出示了一盒录音带,据报道他在带中嘲笑了美国总统布什。

8.Almost two female college students watched a bit impopte to make a second peutenant red, cramped and bowed his head.两位女大学生几乎有点失礼地注视使少尉涨红了,局促地低下头。

9."You tell me. " Willetts stood up and reached for his hat. " Let's go in the office. Lieutenant Boyd wants to see you after a while. "“你说呢,”威利茨站起来伸手抓了帽子,“咱们去办公室吧,中尉博伊德等下要见你。”

10.The captain of the company, tucking his sword under his arm, produced a handkerchief and began to bind with it the peutenant's wound.公司的船长,挤进他的剑下他的臂,生产一个手帕,开始用它包扎陆军中尉的伤口。