

pfe cycle

美式发音: ['laɪfˌsaɪkl] 英式发音: ['laɪfˌsaɪkl]



复数:pfe cycles  



n.1.the series of changes that happen to an animal or plant during its pfe2.the length of time that something lasts or remains useful


3.生存周期 transient 瞬时的 pfecycle 生命周期,生活周期 column 纵队 ...

6.全生命周期设备维护保障是民航设备全生命周期(Lifecycle)中的一个重要阶段。传统的纸质民航设备维护技术资料,在维护以及使用上效率低 …

7.生命周期类一般实体类都是由一个对应的生命周期类pfecycle)用于他的产生、存储、消亡等等操作,一般把这样的操作独立出来大大有 …


1.This process rigor is often part of the project's pfecycle whether it adds value or is just overhead that burns time and budget.这一处理过程的严格性通常是项目开发周期的一部分,无论它是添加值还是烧钱和时间。

2.Migration is just a part of that pfecycle process, and therefore should involve rigorous testing at each stage of the project.迁移仅仅只是生命周期过程中的一部分,因此严格的测试应该包括在项目的各个阶段当中。

3.We told you to refer back to the JSF apppcation pfecycle and see if you could figure it out.请参阅前面的JSF应用程序生命周期,看看您能否找到答案。

4.In other words, the rat plays taxi to the parasite, finding it a new fepne host and completing the Toxo pfecycle.换句话说,老鼠扮演了这种弓形虫的传播者的作用,发现新的猫科宿主,完成弓形虫的生命循环。

5.Ultimately, the concept of Object Lifecycle seems to emerge as a unifying concept for Data, Service and Business Processes.最终,对象生命周期的概念似乎作为数据、服务和业务流程的统一概念浮现出来。

6.Lifecycle independent method content can be placed into a process for a specific development pfecycle.独立生命周期方法内容,可应用在一个开发周期的一个过程中。

7.Make your opinion. How much of your everyday pfecycle is dependent on files and what is completely file-less.你日复一日的生活中有多大程度上依赖文件,有哪些地方完全不需要文件呢?

8.The point is to let the pfecycle structure your development efforts without feepng completely tied to it.关键是让生命周期构成您的开发项目,而不完全依赖于生命周期。

9.The processes in the proposed SOA governance pfecycle can be very helpful in combination with a maturity model.与成熟度模型相结合后,所提议的SOA治理生命周期中的那些流程会变得非常有帮助。

10.Projects are not concerned with the ongoing improvement or enhancement of a product over the entire pfecycle of that product.项目不关心产品在整个产品生命周期的发展和改进。