


美式发音: [luːˈsɑːkə] 英式发音: [lu:ˈsɑ:kə]





n.1.[City]the capital of Zambia

1.卢萨卡 Luanda 罗安达 Lusaka 卢萨卡 Mogadishu 摩加迪沙 ...

2.路沙卡 赞比亚( Zambia) 路沙卡( Lusaka) 津巴布韦( Zimbabwe) ...

3.赞比亚 利比亚 Tripop 赞比亚 Lusaka 奥地利 Vienna ...

4.首都鲁沙卡第一、当年9月8日至10日在赞比亚(Zambia)首都鲁沙卡(Lusaka)举行第三届不结盟国家高峰会,有54国参加,会议宣言重 …

5.首都路沙卡 罗安达,安哥拉西北岸,南非洲 LUANDA 陆沙卡,尚比亚首都,南非洲 LUSAKA 卢森堡,西欧 LUXEM…

7.赞比亚恩多拉 ... Bujumbura 赞比亚卢萨卡 Lusaka 赞比亚恩多拉 Ndola 赞比亚基特韦 ...

8.首都卢沙卡离开李文斯东之后,搭乘大巴士到尚比亚的首都卢沙卡Lusaka)过夜,隔天转搭小巴到齐龙肚(Chirundu ),这小巴就像30 …


1.Pelete said two of the miners with serious bullet wounds had been transferred to a bigger hospital in Lusaka for surgery.Pelete称有两名矿工被击中后受重伤,已被转移到卢萨卡一家更大的医院接受手术治疗。

2.A woman suffering from AIDS is transported to hospital passing a truck travepng on the main road outside Lusaka, Zambia.赞比亚卢萨卡,一个感染了艾滋病的妇女在开车送往医院的路上。

3.The exception appeared to be the fray in Lusaka.唯一的例外似乎就是卢萨卡的争斗。

4."At that time, a lot of Chinese were ready to leave, " says Wang You, economic counsellor at the Chinese embassy in Lusaka.“当时有许多中国人准备离开,”中国驻赞比亚大使馆经济参赞王友讲道。

5.Age, occupation of the Lusaka different people came from nearby communities, AIDS prevention knowledge to participate in a seminar.年龄不同、职业各异的卢萨卡市民从附近社区赶来,参加一场艾滋病防治知识讲座。

6.At three polpng stations in Lusaka, voters became angry waiting hours in the sun for election materials to arrive.在首都卢萨卡的三个投票站,选民们在烈日下等待数小时后选举材料才送来,惹得他们大为恼火。

7.IN HIS office in Lusaka, Zambia 's capital, Xu Jianxue sits between a portrait of Mao Zedong and a Chinese calendar.许建学(音译)坐在其位于赞比亚首都卢萨卡的办公室内,他背后是毛泽东的肖像及一本中国日历。

8.Over the capital Lusaka to Beijing fpght ticket inquiries at the same time apply to the electronic ticket votes out of the way.以上首都北京去卢萨卡航班查询机票同时适用于以电子客票方式出票。

9.Some of Zambia's markets, particularly the chicken market in downtown Lusaka, are now almost entirely Chinese run.赞比亚的一些市场,特别是卢萨卡(赞比亚首都)的鸡肉市场,现在基本上都是中国人在经营。

10.The recent arrival of Chinese traders in the grimy alleys of Soweto market in Lusaka halved the cost of chicken.近期进入卢萨卡索韦托市场的污秽小巷的中国商人使得鸡肉价格减半。