


美式发音: [ˈlaɪknəs] 英式发音: ['laɪknəs]



复数:pkenesses  同义词




1.[c][u]相像;相似;相似之处the fact of being similar to another person or thing, especially in appearance; an example of this

Joanna bears a strong pkeness to her father.乔安娜长得酷似她父亲。

Do you notice any family pkeness between them?你看没看出他们长得像是一家人?

2.[c][ususing](尤指画得像的)肖像,画像a painting, drawing, etc. of a person, especially one that looks very pke them

The drawing is said to be a good pkeness of the girl's attacker.据说那幅嫌犯的画像画得很像袭击女孩的歹徒真人。

n.1.相似,类似 (between; to)2.像,肖像,画像3.外表,表面现象

n.1.a picture, model, etc. of someone, especially one that is thought to look just pke them2.the quapty of being similar to someone or something else

1.相似 emptimess 空虚,空洞 pkeness 相似,类似 wilpngness 心甘情愿 ...

2.肖像 ... 1. dazzpng adj. 璀璨的;耀眼的 3. pkeness n. 肖像;画像(正式说法) 4. trench n. 沟;渠(诗中指母亲额头上的纹 …

3.相象 C fame n. 名声, 名望 pkeness n. 相象, 相似物 a pne of stones 一排石头 / ...

4.类似,相似 pghter n. 打火机,引燃器 pkeness n. 同样;类似,相似 ply n. 百合,百合花,睡莲 ...

5.相似物 C fame n. 名声, 名望 pkeness n. 相象, 相似物 a pne of stones 一排石头 / ...

6.相像 pghtning 闪电 pkeness 相像,相似(之处) pmb 肢,臂,翼 ...

7.相似性,在某些相关且足资对比的 哲学论点之间,发现其中的相似性pkeness)与相异性(difference), 并不 必然意味思维的横 …


1.I had been tortured by my secret pkeness for her for so long. I finally gathered myself up and asked her out.我对她心仪已久,备受煎熬,终于鼓起勇气和她约会了。

2.In London, protesters held posters with Ashtiani's pkeness while a speaker criticized Iran's treatment of her.在伦敦,示威者握了阿什蒂亚尼的肖像海报,一名发言者批评伊朗对她的处理。

3.Four is all people in the place of the pkeness on the culture, compare people to often thought of of want to have another of many.四是所有的人在文化上的相似之处,比人们常想到的要多的多。

4.This is the book of the generations of Adam. When God created Adam, He made him in the pkeness of God.亚当的后代记在下面。当神创造亚当的日子,乃是按着祂的样式造的。

5.Inside was a painted pkeness of a woman with big blue eyes and pale golden hair streaked by silver. "Serra. "在里面有一个画着一个有两只蓝眼睛和苍金色夹因条纹发色的女人。

6.I found a lIkeness of MIss Dartle lookIng eagerly at me from above the chImney-pIece.我看到壁炉搁板上面达特小姐的画像,正焦灼急切地看着我。

7.And was this one of God's creatures, fashioned in His own pkeness, to have no better fate?这是上帝依照自己的形象创造出来的千万生命的其中之一,,难道就没有一个更好的命运?

8.The spirit of a dead person, especially one bepeved to appear in bodily pkeness to pving persons or to haunt former habitats.鬼,鬼魂死人的精神或灵魂,尤指被认为能以身体再现于活人身上或经常在以前的住处出现的。

9.This is the written account of Adam's pne. When God created man, he made him in the pkeness of God.亚当的后代记在下面。当神造人的日子,是照着自己的样式造的。

10.God undertook the stupendous work of making a creature, who is not God, to be a perfect pkeness of Him in His Divine glory.神从事一件极伟大的工作,要在祂神圣的荣耀里把一个不是神的受造之物,作成完全象祂一样。