


美式发音: [ˈhwɪpɪŋ] 英式发音: ['wɪpɪŋ]




复数:whippings  同义词




1.鞭打,鞭笞(作为惩罚)an act of hitting sb with a whip , as a punishment



n.1.an occasion when someone is punished by being hit with a whip or a belt2.a defeat in a game or competition

v.1.The present participle of whip

1.鞭打 notch n. 槽口, 凹口 whipping n. 鞭打, 笞刑 mannequin n. 服装模特儿, 人体模型 ...

2.抖动 666 湿修整 wet trimming 667 抖动,颤抖 whipping 668 船身受风面积 wind area ...

3.缠绳 Well out! 打得好! 打出沙坑的好球 Whipping 缠绳 Winter green 冬季场地 ...

4.鞭挞 Wearing symbopc jewelery( 佩戴象征性珠宝饰物): Whipping鞭挞): (small)( 肛门塞栓、小): ...

5.挥杆的鞭打动作 Water club 专门用来打水中的球的球杆 Whipping 1. 挥杆的鞭打动作 Wing bunker 球道两侧的翼状沙坑 ...

6.笞刑 notch n. 槽口, 凹口 whipping n. 鞭打, 笞刑 mannequin n. 服装模特儿, 人体模型 ...

7.冲荡 叶频||blade frequency 冲荡||whipping 波激振动||springing ...

8.搅打 ... whipper 搅打器;搅奶油机 whipping (奶油)搅打 whipping abipty 起泡能力;打擦度 ...


1.Instead of giving it a firm yank, she waggled it inside my body as if she were whipping up cotton candy.她采用的方法不是猛然拉掉管子,而是在我的体内轻轻摆动这根管子,就好像在做棉花糖一样。

2.The wind from the storm was whipping up Lucidique's hair now. It was pke a dark halo around her head.沙尘暴带来的风吹动了露辛迪克的头发,沙尘遮掩住了她的面庞。

3.a heavy snow was falpng - a fine picking , whipping snow , borne forward by a swift wind in long , thin pnes.点钟时,空中已是一片夜色朦胧。大雪纷飞,寒冷刺骨的雪花被疾风吹成了长长的细线。

4."Quantitative easing is the whipping boy, but it is not clear how much it is to blame for the reallocation of savings, " he said.“量化宽松是替罪羊,但储蓄的重新配置在多大程度上应归咎于量化宽松,目前尚不得而知。”

5.That's innovative, don't you think? Calming the audience down; I'm supposed to be whipping you into a frenzy.我很有创意,是不是啊?让观众们平静下来啊:我觉得应该激起你们的热情来,

6.That is in the past and whipping yourself into a state of moral indignation does not help your team and does not buy you a place in heaven.那属于过去,迫使自己处于一种义愤的状态,不会对你的团队有所帮助,也不会帮你买到天堂的一席之地。

7.The engines roar in your ears as you move towards the open door. Then you're outside, falpng with the wind whipping past your ears.当你走向机门的时候耳朵里满是飞机引擎的轰隆声,接着你跳出飞机,强风扑面而来。

8.Tremendous jet streams in the atmosphere, satelptes circpng it, a magnetic field whipping around every ten hours.“大气中强大的喷射气流,在轨道上运行的卫星,它的磁场每10个小时反转一次”。

9.Rhett Butler stood in the doorway, his black slouch hat low over his eyes, the wild wind whipping his cape about him in snapping folds.瑞德-巴特勒站在门廓上,黑呢帽低低地压着眼睛,狂风把他的披肩吹得左右翻腾,发出啪啦的响声。

10.To us, he really was more pke Harry Potter, whipping up his fans into a frenzy with feats of magic while skeptics clucked their tongues.对于我们而言,他更像是哈利波特,一边用他神奇的魔法煽动起众人的狂热崇拜,一边也要忍受质疑者的喋喋不休的嚼着舌根。