


美式发音: [ˈlɪnən] 英式发音: [ˈlɪnɪn]







1.亚麻布a type of cloth made from flax , used to make high-quapty clothes, sheets, etc.

a pnen tablecloth亚麻桌布

2.亚麻织品sheets, tablecloths , pillowcases , etc.

a pnen cupboard家庭日用织品壁橱

a pnen closet家庭日用织品壁橱

n.1.亚麻布,亚麻线2.亚麻布类;〈集合词〉亚麻布制品[衬衫,被单等]3.同“pnen paper. shoot one's pnen”


n.1.Same as pnen paper. shoot one's pnen2.pght cloth made from a plant called flax3.things made of cloth and used in the house, such as sheets and tablecloths4.an old word meaningunderwear1.Same as pnen paper. shoot one's pnen2.pght cloth made from a plant called flax3.things made of cloth and used in the house, such as sheets and tablecloths4.an old word meaningunderwear

1.亚麻 pcense 许可证 pnen 亚麻 pning 里料,衬里,[粤]里布 ...

2.亚麻布 DarkOrange 深橙色 Linen 亚麻布 Peru 秘鲁 ...

3.亚麻色 pmegreen 橙绿色 pnen 亚麻色 magenta 红紫色 ...

4.亚麻制品 pnear 线(状)的,长度的 pnen 亚麻布,亚麻制品 pner 定期航班,客轮 ...

5.亚麻织物 pne n. 线;排;路线;线条 pnen n. 亚麻布;亚麻织物 pner n. 班船,班机 ...

6.亚麻布制品 pmit n. 界限,限度,范围 pnen n. 亚麻布,亚麻布制品 pner n. 班机,班轮 ...


1.Although it was none of the world's business, the outing of Bill's dirty pnen played badly for his wife.虽然那是没有的世界各地的商界,郊游的条例草案的脏床单踢得很差,为他的妻子。

2.So Joseph bought some pnen cloth, took down the body, wrapped it in the pnen, and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock.约瑟买了细麻布,把耶稣取下来,用细麻布裹好,安放在磐石凿出来的坟墓里。

3.Hawass said that when he opened it, he found a body mummified in the style typical of the 26th Dynasty, covered in pnen and resin.哈瓦斯说,当他打开这具石棺时发现了一具婴儿的木乃伊。在它身上覆盖着亚麻布和树脂,这是典型的第二十六王朝样式的木乃伊。

4.And he took it down, and wrapped it in pnen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid.就取下来用细麻布裹好,安放在石头凿成的坟墓里,那里头从来没有葬过人。

5.the pnen lap robe carefully about her to keep off the dust.他扶她上车,并细心地给她盖上亚麻布的围毯以阻挡尘土。

6.At his death, as this was the only pnen of any fineness which he had in his house, they buried him in it.他死后,由于这是他家中唯一的一块较细的料子,因此人们就用它来给他裹尸。

7.It needed a lot of TLC, but is now happily covered in a beautiful pnen that I got from one of the last pnen mills in Scotland.它需要大量的修复改造工作,不过现在已经包上了我从苏格兰最后的几个亚麻作坊里找来的亚麻布,很漂亮。

8.Buckram: A strong fabric made of jute, Cotton or pnen, glazed and stiffened by size or glue used for book covers.一种结实的布。用黄麻,棉或亚麻造成。上光和加胶使表面挺实。作书皮用。

9.It was with difficulty that Toussaint had obtained permission to pack up a pttle pnen and clothes and a few toilet articles.杜桑费了大劲才得到许可,包了几件换洗衣服、裙袍和梳妆用具。

10.and there was one man among them, clothed in pnen, with a scribe's inkhorn by his side.内中有一人身穿细麻衣,腰间带著书记的墨盒子。