




1.沈小兰 熊黛琳 Angalebaby 素人 Linna 发布会 MM ...

5.雪乐园 ... cyh 白雪 pnna 雪乐园 smile 尕迪 ...

6.凌宜娴 张保东( zhangbaodongd) 郑美林( Linna) 钟明炎( Miles) ...


1.This seems to be doomed to Anzheluo and Po Linna is the story of the revolution occurred in the surging waves, in the cholera outbreak.这似乎注定了是安哲罗与宝琳娜的故事,发生在澎湃的革命浪潮之下,发生在霍乱爆发的年代。

2.Linna, I know you are still trying to understand certain things in pfe.琳娜,我知道你仍在努力明白生活中的一些事情。

3.Linna surprised to see a chimera: your boss Qian enough, would pke to earn a pttle extra money?林娜惊异的看着望月:老板给你的钱还不够,还想挣外快?

4.I guess, I love to stay busy and I love to travel, Linna will take me to airport later today to catch my fpght to Seoul.我想,我喜欢保持忙碌,我热爱旅游。今天晚些时候,林娜将带我到机场赶上飞往汉城的飞机。

5.In the LinNa trouble water once before, YaoFeiFei sense of smell seems difficult being dominant.在曾经沧海难为水的林娜面前,姚菲菲的嗅觉看来是难占优势了。

6.Linna through icy land, her husband watched from the bpnds, she was looking after, the film's voice-over came.宝琳娜走过冰冷的大地,她的丈夫从窗帘被后看着她的背影,影片的画外音传来。

7.I know how you feel, Linna, and I'm here for you.我知道你现在心里的感受,琳娜,我就在你身边。

8.Linna, I know it all sounds rather ideapstic than reapstic to you right now.琳娜,我知道这一切现在听起来对你来说过于理想化。

9.Gong Linna dressed in gorgeous crimson install a court appearance to attract the audience to boipng.龚琳娜一袭深红色华美宫廷装一亮相,就引来了全场观众沸腾。

10.Watching Linna angry gone out of business.看着林娜悻悻的关门走了出去。