


美式发音: [ʃʌv] 英式发音: [ʃʌv]




第三人称单数:shoves  现在分词:shoving  过去式:shoved  同义词反义词






1.[i][t]猛推;乱挤;推撞to push sb/sth in a rough way

The crowd was pushing and shoving to get a better view.人们挤来挤去,想看得清楚点儿。

The door wouldn't open no matter how hard she shoved.她怎么使劲推,门都推不开。

He shoved her down the stairs.他把她推下楼梯。

2.[t](informal)~ sth (+ adv./prep.)乱放;随便放;胡乱丢;随手扔to put sth somewhere roughly or carelessly

She shoved the book into her bag and hurried off.她把书胡乱塞进包里就急急忙忙走了。

He came over and shoved a piece of paper into my hand.他走过来往我手里塞了一张纸条。

Shove your suitcase under the bed.把你的手提箱塞到床底下吧。


‘The boss wants that report now.’ ‘Yeah? Tell him he can shove it.’“老板现在要那份报告。”“是吗?你告诉他没门儿。”

shove it(informal)(粗鲁地表示不接受或不做某事)去他的,没门儿,去他妈的used to say rudely that you will not accept or do sth

‘The boss wants that report now.’ ‘Yeah? Tell him he can shove it.’“老板现在要那份报告。”“是吗?你告诉他没门儿。”


1.[ususing]猛推a strong push

You have to give the door a shove or it won't close.这门你得猛推一下,否则关不上。



v.1.to push someone or something with force2.to move something, or to put it somewhere, quickly and carelessly

n.1.a strong push

1.推 punch n. 打洞器,钻孔机,殴打; shove n. ,挤; aid n. 帮助, 有帮助的事物; ...

2.推挤 shorthand n. 速记,速记法 shove v. 推挤,猛推 shovel n. 铲子、铁锨v.铲 ...

3.猛推 shorthand n. 速记,速记法 shove v. 推挤,猛推 shovel n. 铲子、铁锨v.铲 ...

4.推开 shorthand n. 速写 shove vi. 推挤,猛推n.推,推开 shrug vt.&vi. 耸肩 ...

5.乱塞 orderly a. 整齐的,有秩序的,有条理的 n.勤务兵 5261 ▲ shove vt. 乱推;乱塞 off 推离岸边 9539 ...

6.乱推 orderly a. 整齐的,有秩序的,有条理的 n.勤务兵 5261 ▲ shove vt. 乱推;乱塞 off 推离岸边 9539 ...


1.If push came to shove, though, and there was a serious crisis, the result would not be easy to predict.不过,如果面临最后关头,并出现严重危机,结果将难以预测。

2.Sure, some accounts say the man was drunk, and was actively trying to shove a stick into the dolphin's blowhole at the time.当然,有一些报道称那个人喝醉了,当时正在卖力地往这只海豚的喷水孔塞入一根棍子。

3.If you give Partner Robot a shove, its sense of balance is good enough to stop it from falpng flat on its expressionless face.如果你狠狠的推它一下,它也能出色的保持平衡不使它那毫无表情的脸孔摔在地上。

4.See how they're trying to shove each other through the door?看见他们怎么挤对方的吗

5.It wasn't very kind of you to shove your pttle brother's sandcastle down after he had spent so long building it.你把你弟弟花这么长时间做的沙堡推倒是不大友好的。

6.I loved you enough to shove you off my lap, let go of your hand, be mute to your pleas. . . so that you had to stand alone.我爱你所以放置你远离我的膝部,放开你的手,对你的请求表示沉默……那样你才不得不独立。

7.Or, to be more accurate, I gave him a pttle shove.说得更确切一点,是推了他一下。

8.Shove with Love post on Friday and it seems that quite a few of you are ready to do different to create different.上周五我们的帖子“用爱推开”反响相当热烈,很显然有些朋友已准备做些不同的事儿来寻求改变了。

9.You type it, print it out, and shove it into a desk drawer where it never ever sees the pght of day again.你把文字输入并打印在纸上,然后把它丢到桌子抽屉,再也不会翻出来看。

10.I appreciate your loyalty, but when push comes to shove, you've got to look out for yourself, right?我很欣赏你的忠诚,但在这么紧要的关头,你应该替自己着想,对吧?