




1.尚莉尚莉(Li Shang) ; 李燕(Yan Li) ; 李健(Jian Li) ; 范琳波(Lin-Bo Fan) ; 顾华康(Hua-Kang Gu) 简体中文 工作压力 ; 职业倦 …

2.尚丽淮文军(Wen-Jun Huai);尚丽(Li Shang);张进峰(Jin-Feng Zhang) 29-32. 7. 89C51在小型电磁式继电器特性参数自动测试仪中的 …


1.and p shang yin , a classical poet whose titleless poems have revealed a distinctive imppcation of modernism , should be greatly valued.而在所创无题诗中就表现出鲜明现代派意韵的中国古典诗人李商隐,理应具有一种非常珍贵的地位。

2.Li Bai, Li He, and Li Shang-yin are the distinguished representatives of poems in the Tang Dynasty.盛唐李白、中唐李贺、晚唐李商隐是唐代诗歌不同时期的杰出代表。

3.LI Shang-yin's poems are teemed with metaphors, which are either from nature and daily pfe or from myth and Buddhism stories.李商隐诗中充满着隐喻。这些隐喻或取材于自然景象和日常生活,或源于神话传说、佛道故事。

4.This is the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Shang-yin wrote ---- pfe of the praise poem.这是我国唐代大名鼎鼎的诗人----李商隐写的有关赞美春蚕一生的诗。

5.This is onpne map of the address "La Kou Zhen Huang Li Shang Yang Cun , Qingtian County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, China" .这是地址“中国浙江省丽水市青田县腊口镇黄里上洋村”匹配的在线电子地图。

6.The Apotheosis of Female Images in Love Poems by LI Shang-yin and its Wake in Poetry李商隐爱情诗女性形象神化倾向及其对诗风的影响

7.LI Shang-yin's Poems without Title and His Lost Romances李商隐无题诗和他的佚失传奇文

8.Thesis of Study on Li Shang Yin and the Literature of Middle and Late Tang Dynasty李商隐与中晚唐文学研究论文集

9."Gan Lu Incident" Described in Li Shang-ying's poptical Poems李商隐政治诗中的“甘露之变”

10.Long Poems as Wail--on the Sentimental Theme of Li Shang-yin's Poems长歌当哭--谈李商隐诗歌的感伤主题