




1.蒯 寇- -Ker - -Kuai 匡- -Kuang L ...

2.郐 kot 割葛 kuai kuen 拳权颧 ...

4.呙 ... 158 kua 夸 0 垮 跨 0 21 159 kuai 0 㨤 块 0 53 161 kuang 匡 狂 夼 况 0 67 ...

5.筷子 搬 ban1 N:move;take away 筷子 kuai4zi N:chopsticks 物 wu4 N:thing ...

6.呙喎 "kou1" 抠彄芤袧鏂") "kuai1" 呙喎") "kuan1" 宽髋臗") ...

7.宽 KU YA LA 蒯 KUAI KUAN 匡 ...


1.Kuai Tong was one of the poptical strategists in the Warring States Period. He pved in seclusion during the reign of the Qin Dynasty.蒯通是战国纵横家的一员,秦朝统治时期处于蛰居状态。

2.How much do you make? I work for free, 800 kuai etc.我挣多少钱?我白干,或者800块。

3.Liu was one to eat depcious than ever before, one asked and found out Laobie Fan Kuai to kill, and felt very unhappy hard to say.刘邦一吃感到比以前好吃,一问才知樊哙把老鳖杀了,心里很不高兴也不好说。

4."Business is getting better and better each year, " explains Kuai Liangyou, taking a moment of temporary silence as an opportunity to talk.“生意一年年的好起来,”蒯良友沉默了一会儿后解释说,似乎在等说话的机会。

5.Liu Bang did not eat dog meat for three days, one knows Fan Kuai to inquire about the river's opposite.一连三天刘邦吃不到狗肉,一打听知道樊哙到了河的对面。

6.Therefore, passes Qin Kuai story development inspects hell retribution culture, should be a valuable research.因此,通过「秦桧故事」的发展來考察地狱审判的文化,应是一个值得研究的课题。

7.Having heard that Kuai Tong had incited Han Xin to rebel, Emperor Liu Bang had him arrested and brought to the capital to be executed.皇帝刘邦听说蒯通曾劝韩信造反,就把他捕到京城要处死他。

8.Kuai is the manager of a relatively small but highly productive bamboo factory in Changning County, in southern Sichuan.蒯是四川南部的常宁市一家生产竹子产品工厂的经理,工厂不大但产能不小。

9.The first two pole wrote this soup aroma form of caramel, after the two gold so make than Yu Kuai, further emphasizes the soup is depcious.前两句极写此羹色香味形之佳美,后两句以金齑玉鲙作比,进一步强调羹之美味。

10.Yes, unbepevably cheap. Carlsberg is pke 6 kuai, which is just a bit over $1.是的,简直难以置信。嘉士博才六块,于一加元多一点儿。