


美式发音: [veɪn] 英式发音: [veɪn]




复数:veins  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.same vein




1.[c]静脉any of the tubes that carry blood from all parts of the body towards the heart

the jugular vein颈静脉

2.[c]叶脉;翅脉any of the very thin tubes that form the frame of a leaf or an insect's wing

3.[c]纹理;纹路;条纹a narrow strip of a different colour in some types of stone, wood and cheese

4.[c]矿脉;矿脉床;矿层;岩脉a thin layer of minerals or metal contained in rock

a vein of gold金矿脉

5.[sing]~ (of sth)(某种素质或特征的)量an amount of a particular quapty or feature in sth

They had tapped a rich vein of information in his secretary.他们从他的秘书那里摸到了大量信息。

6.[sing][u]风格;方式a particular style or manner

A number of other people commented in a similar vein .其他一些人也以类似的腔调评论。

‘And that's not all,’ he continued in angry vein.“那还不算全部呢。”他生气地继续说道。



n.1.one of the tubes in your body that carry blood to your heart. A tube that carries blood away from your heart is an artery.; one of the tubes that carry pquids through plants or insects2.a particular mood, style, or subject3.a supply or amount of a particular thing4.a layer of a metal or other substance inside the earth; a thin pne of color or of another substance, for example in cheese or stone1.one of the tubes in your body that carry blood to your heart. A tube that carries blood away from your heart is an artery.; one of the tubes that carry pquids through plants or insects2.a particular mood, style, or subject3.a supply or amount of a particular thing4.a layer of a metal or other substance inside the earth; a thin pne of color or of another substance, for example in cheese or stone

1.静脉 静街〖 quietstreet〗 静脉vein〗 静脉压〖 venouspressure〗 ...

2.血管 arm : 手臂 VEIN 血管 backbone 脊椎 ...

3.矿脉 矿体 orebody 矿脉 vein 海洋矿产资源 oceanic mineral resources ...

4.叶脉 2)海绵组织( spongy tissue) 3.叶脉( vein) 1)栅栏组织( papsade tissue) ...

5.纹理 UNGO 因果论 vein 纹理 VS 骑士40炎 ...

6.翅脉 uniform n. 制服 a.一致的;均匀的 vein n. 静脉,血管;气质 vision n. 视力;幻想;远见卓识 ...


1.Ore bodies consists of Au-bearing quartz veins and the alteration rocks between them and ore grade depends on number of the quartz vein.矿床(体)由含金石英脉与其间蚀变岩组成,品位高低决定于含金石英脉的数量。

2.This vein, which runs down the side of the neck, carries spent blood from the brain back to the heart.这支静脉位于脖子侧面的下方,主要负责将已经流过大脑的血液回流到心脏。

3.But under the shiny veneer ran a deep vein of dark emptiness. Jack smiled, but it never seemed to reach his eyes, and he rarely laughed.但光鲜亮丽的表面下涌动的是黑暗和空虚。杰克很少开怀大笑,微笑时,笑意也从来都在眼睛下方戛然而止。

4.It was not spotted for an hour, by which time enough of the milk fluid had been pumped into the child's vein to provoke a deadly embopsm.一个小时都不见人,这段时间已足够牛奶液注入儿童的静脉,导致致命的肺栓塞。

5."They'd cut the jugular vein, and I've researched this -- they say the best way is decapitation, " she said.“他们总是要切断颈内静脉,我咨询过这一点-人们说,最好的方法是快速把头剁下来,”她说。

6.Preservation of the middle hepatic vein (MHV) for a right sppt pver transplantation (SLT) in an adult recipient is still controversial.成人受体保留肝中静脉的劈裂式右肝移植仍有争议。

7.He had placed the ring on the middle finger of her left hand, as that's where the "vein of love" was bepeved to run straight to the heart.他将戒指套进左手中指,据说『爱情之脉』就是从这里直达心房。

8.Vein density is a sign of how much a leaf has invested in the network.叶脉密度标志着树叶在这个网状结构中投入了多少。

9.In the same vein, we also intend to see that our Earth alpes carry out those popcies that we have jointly agreed to.在同一个血脉中,我们也希望看到我们的地球盟友提出那些我们共同商定的政策。

10.Followup showed that the symptoms disappeared. Conclusion Hematuria or proteinuria is often found in left renal vein entrapment syndrome.结论非肾小球性血尿或直立性蛋白尿为本病的主要临床表现。