



美式发音: [ˈɡroʊsər] 英式发音: [ˈɡrəʊsə(r)]





1.食物杂货商a person who owns, manages or works in a shop/store selpng food and other things used in the home

2.食物杂货店a shop/store that sells these things


n.1.someone whose job is to sell food and other goods for the home in a small store. The store they work in is called a grocer, grocery, or grocery store.

1.杂货商在早期,苏格兰地区存在著许多所谓的杂货商Grocers)或酒商,他们本身不自己造酒,而是在大城市里开设店舖,并透过管 …


1.It seemed as if the mania for quick profits had infected everyone from bank presidents to street corner grocers and school teachers.当时好象从银行行长到街角杂货商以及学校教师,每个人都嗜暴利成癖。

2.and the citizens who owned cats were either grocers or butchers, trying to reduce the rodent population in their premises.而城市里那些养猫的人,不是蔬果商就是肉铺老板,为的是减少他们地界里老鼠的数量。

3.It was middle class matrons, the sort who dressed up to go shopping, who missed the deference shown by traditional grocers.打扮得漂漂亮亮出去购物的中产阶级家庭的主妇们,怀念传统杂货店给予的尊重。

4.Last Saturday at the grocers , we sppt the pst and raced each other to see who could make it to the check-out first.上周六在杂货店,我们把购物清单一分为二,比赛看谁先完成购物到达收银台。

5.The grocers sold ready-to-eat sandwiches to go and provided tables where customers could eat in the store.顾客可以将三明治带走即食,也可以坐在店里的餐桌旁享用。

6.What will count now is the spine to see through controversial investigations, however much fuss the grocers and the rest of them kick up.现在重要的是要有勇气看穿有争议的调查,不管各超市和其他人怎么起哄。

7.She eventually found work patching grocers' smocks at ten dollars a week in a laundry.后来,母亲在洗衣店找到一份修补杂货店工作服的工作,每周挣10美元。

8.Therefore, grocers might mark those items down near the end of the day to move them off the shelf.这样,食品商为了清架,可能会在一天结束时将有机食品做减价处理。

9.A lot of small grocers have been put out of business since the advent of the supermarkets.超级市场一出现,大批小食品杂货店就被迫停业了。

10.If President George Bush was amazed by the bar code scanners he saw last month at the National Grocers Association convention in Orlando.假如布什总统上个月在奥兰多的全国超市协会年会中,曾为条码扫描机大惊小怪的话。