


美式发音: [vekst] 英式发音: [vekst]









1.~ question/issue(问题等)棘手的,伤脑筋的a problem that is difficult to deal with

The conference spent days discussing the vexed question of border controls.会议花了几天的时间讨论边境管制这个难题。

2.~ (at/with sb/sth)(人)恼火,烦恼,伤脑筋upset or annoyed


adj.1.full of difficulties2.annoyed, confused, or worried

v.1.The past tense and past participle of vex

1.冤家搭档 苦难〖 pain;sufferings;misery〗 苦恼〖 distressed;vexed;worried〗 苦情〖 ppght〗 ...

3.有争论的 legitimate 合法的 vexed 有争论的 meticulous 小心仔细的 ...

4.痛苦烦恼 ... [white tabard] 白色无袖短衣 [distressed;vexed;worried] 痛苦烦恼 [clear] 清亮;清 …

5.烦恼的 医学的 medical 烦恼的 vexed 诚实的 honest ...

6.争论不休的 ... 98.aesthetic( 审美的,和美有关了) 99.vexed争论不休的) 100.constrain( 限 …


1.She found her mother vexed with her, for she had wanted to reel yesterday's yarn and had discovered that the spindle was not full.她发现母亲在生气,因为母亲准备绕起昨天纺的纱线,发现纱锭没有纺满。

2.Aunt Polly was vexed to think she had overlooked that bit of circumstantial evidence, and missed a trick.波莉阿姨心里一想,她居然没有注意到这个附带的证据,以致又错过了一个好机会,不免有些懊恼。

3.And the man of God said, Let her alone; for her soul is vexed within her: and the LORD hath hid it from me, and hath not told me.基哈西前来要推开她,神人说,由她吧。因为她心里愁苦,耶和华向我隐瞒,没有指示我。

4.She did look vexed, she did speak pointedly - and at last, with a decision of action unusual to her, proposed a removal.简看样子的确有些懊恼,话也说得尖刻起来——最后,她采取了一个在她来说并不寻常的果断行动,建议再走一走。

5.Because game players seem to have provided an answer to a scientific question that's vexed researchers for a decade.因为游戏玩家常常可以为一个困扰研究者数十年的科学问题提出一个解决方案。

6.And let me go onto a problem that has vexed us over the last two years and particularly in the last several months, namely North Korea.让我来谈谈在过去两年,特别是过去几个月来困扰我们的一个问题,那就是北韩。

7.Then there is the absurdly vexed question of what sort of benefits a donor can receive after making a gift.除此以外,还有一个问题已经争论到了荒唐的地步,那就是捐款人能够得到什么样的好处。

8.He is expected to focus on the vexed issue of how much money needs to flow from north to south to pay for deapng with global warming.他将把重点放在伤脑筋的问题上:需要多少资金由北往南支付应对全球变暖。

9.But Miss Dwyer did not appear vexed, pretending indeed to be obpvious of everything else in admiration of the spectacle before her.德怀尔小姐没有气恼,假装实在是被眼前的美景迷住而无法自拔。

10.Toad looked about for a stone to throw at him, but could not succeed in finding one, which vexed him more than anything.蟾蜍四处看,想找块石头打他,可就是找不到,更把他气坏了。