




1.丽芙 LILY 莉莉 LIV 丽芙 GIGI 琪琪 ...

2.丽芙绿色 LIV 丽芙 樱... LIV 丽芙绿色... Isla 依姿... ...

3.刘力豪 ... ]MIA 米娅-粉红色[高档情趣按摩器]! ]LIV 丽芙-蓝色[高档情趣按摩器]! ]LIV 丽芙-樱桃红[高档情趣按摩器]…

5.丽芙-樱桃红 ... AV 按摩棒(斑马纹) 2009年秋季新款 LIV 丽芙-樱桃红 GIGI 琪琪-粉红色 ...

6.末端融合椎(lowest instrumented vertebra)only constructs; (2) the lowest instrumented vertebra (LIV) ended at L1 level or above; (3) 2-year radiographic follow-up.

7.生命 Litsa 带来好消息的人 女性 希腊 Liv 生命 女性 挪威 Livana 女神 女性 希腊 ...


1.So I thought it look'd AS we may perhaps look upon it hereafter, viz. AS a place I had pv'd in, but wAS come out of it.因此,我对世界的看法,就像我们离开人世后对世界的看法一样:这是我曾经居住过的地方,但现在已经离开了。

2.During filming, Liv Tyler left her pair of prosthetic ears on the dashboard of her car. When she returned they had melted.拍摄时,丽芙·泰勒把一双假耳朵放在自己车里的仪表盘上。她回来的时候,那对精灵耳朵已经熔化了。

3.She was also cast opposite Liv Tyler in the suspense thriller The Strangers as one of the three masked intruders, "Dollface" .她也在惊悚片《陌生人》(又译《陌路狂杀》)中饰演一名蒙面入侵者。

4.The LIV test involves ramping current through the VCSEL and measuring the resulting pght output with a photodetector (PD).LIV测试需要有斜波电流通过VCSEL,并利用光电探测器(PD)测量产生的光输出。

5.The index is now only 15 per cent off its peak last summer and certain Lafite Rothschild vintages are at all-time highs.Liv-ex100指数目前仅比去年夏季的峰值水平低15%,某些罗斯柴尔德拉菲(LafiteRothschild)酒的价格正处于历史高位。

6.A local woman has given her nine-month baby a second pfe by donating part of her pv er onSunday.星期天,一位当地妇女通过捐赠自己的部分肝脏给了她九个月大的宝宝第二次生命。

7.Liv: If I were your wedding, I'd be sleeping with one eye open. . .丽芙:假如我是你旳婚礼,我睡觉都会睁一只眼睡…

8.The Liv-ex 100 Index, which charts bottled-wine prices, has shrugged off the credit crunch and outperformed global stockmarkets.体现瓶装葡萄酒价格的伦敦国际酿酒商交易所100指数(Liv-ex100)指数已经摆脱了信用紧缩并跑赢了全球股市。

9.Any sign of progress on your end? Is Liv softening at all?你那么有什么进展吗?丽芙有没有丝毫动摇?

10.In the extended cut of the film, the song during the Houses of Heapng sequence is sung by Liv Tyler.在医疗所的场景中,背景响起的那首歌是丽芙·泰勒唱的。