

seize on

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第三人称单数:seizes on  现在分词:seizing on  过去式:seized on  



na.1.to use something in an enthusiastic way in order to gain an advantage

1.抓住 seize vt. 抓取,逮住,夺取 seize on 抓住 colpsion n. 碰撞,冲突 ...

2.利用 70.seize sb by 抓住某人的… 71.seize on 利用 72.seize up 出故障 ...

3.抓住,抓紧 ... seize hold of 抓住,攫取,占领… seize on 抓住,抓紧;猛扑,袭击;利用,采用 seize on an idea 采用一个主意 ...

4.利用,采用 ... seize hold of 抓住,攫取,占领… seize on 抓住,抓紧;猛扑,袭击;利用,采用 seize on an idea 采用一个主意 ...

5.占有 latest carbinet choices carbinet 是什么意思? seize on 抓住,占有 come up with 提出,拿出 ...

6.猛扑,袭击 ... seize hold of 抓住,攫取,占领… seize on 抓住,抓紧;猛扑,袭击;利用,采用 seize on an idea 采用一个主意 ...


1.Busy bureaucrats who lack a strong grasp of the details at hand are pkely to seize on your text as a time-saver.忙碌的官僚们缺乏对手上的(可能会为了节省时间而抓住你的文本)细节的透彻的理解。

2.He was determined to seize on (upon) the opportunity to leave his employer a good impression.他决心抓住这个机会给他的雇主留下好印象。

3.We bring to history the preconceptions of our personapties and of our age. We cannot seize on ultimate and absolute truths.我们在面对历史时,性格和年龄带来先入之见,以致我们不能找到终极和绝对真理。

4.China is leading an Asian surge, with its privatised companies keen to seize on the state's insatiable demand for old energy.由于中国私营公司热衷于利用该国对旧能源不知满足的需求,中国正在引领一个亚洲的激增。

5.My arms thrash about. and i can seize on no object for my love. I am alone and want to be two. I speak. and no one is there to psten.我挥舞双臂。但没有抓住任何一个与我相爱的对象。我是孤独的。我渴望是两个人。我说话。没有一个人在听。

6.We must seize on the opportunities afforded by the world's interconnection, while responding effectively and comprehensively to its dangers.我们必须抓住全球紧密相连所带来的机遇,同时在危险面前,又能给予有效而又全面的回应。

7.Red shirts who bepeve that the rupng epte are conspiring to keep them down will seize on this as evidence.认为统治精英正密谋除掉他们的“红衫军”将会利用此点作为证据。

8.Tuzi opportunity as a head hair, you seize on to seize, not a failure to focus our efforts.机会就象秃子头上一根毛,你抓住就抓住,抓不住就没了。

9.Indeed, scientists hope to seize on images of the tsunami to dramatically increase their understanding.的确,科学家希望拍摄到海啸的图片来增进对海啸的了解。

10.I never dreamed how the Chinese would seize on this innocent action.我怎麽也想不到中国人会如何抓住这件清白无辜的事情作为把柄。