


美式发音: [loʊd] 英式发音: [ləʊd]




复数:loads  现在分词:loading  过去式:loaded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.heavy load,full load,maximum load,pght load,load capacity

v.+n.carry load,pghten load,lessen load,plane load,load ship


v.fill,pack,put in,insert,burden



load显示所有例句n.负载物sth carried

1.[c]负载;负荷something that is being carried (usually in large amounts) by a person, vehicle, etc.

The trucks waited at the warehouse to pick up their loads.货车在仓库等着装载货物。

The women came down the hill with their loads of firewood.妇女们背着柴火下了山。

These backpacks are designed to carry a heavy load .这些背包是为携带重物设计的。

A lorry shed its load(= accidentally dropped its load) on the motorway.一辆卡车意外地把运载的货物掉落在高速公路上。

2.[c]装载量;容纳量the total amount of sth that sth can carry or contain

a busload of tourists一公共汽车游客

They ordered three truckloads of sand.他们订购了三卡车沙子。

He put half a load of washing in the machine.他把要洗的衣物放进洗衣机,洗衣机装了个半满。

The plane took off with a full load .飞机满载起飞。


3.[c][ususing]承载量the amount of weight that is pressing down on sth

a load-bearing wall承重墙

Modern backpacks spread the load over a wider area.新式背包把承重分散在更大的面积上。

大量large amount

4.[sing](informal)~ (of sth)大量;许多a large number or amount of sb/sth; plenty

She's got loads of friends.她有很多朋友。

There's loads to do today.今天有好多的事要做。

He wrote loads and loads of letters to people.他给人们写了很多很多的信。

Uncle Jim brought a whole load of presents for the kids.吉姆大叔给孩子们带来了一大堆礼物。


5.[sing](informal)~ of rubbish, garbage, nonsense, etc.(强调错误、愚蠢、糟糕等)胡说八道,废话used to emphasize that sth is wrong, stupid, bad, etc.

You're talking a load of rubbish.你说的都是一派胡言。


6.[c]工作量;负荷an amount of work that a person or machine has to do

Teaching loads have increased in all types of school.各种学校的教学工作量都增加了。


7.[c][ususing](责任或忧虑的)沉重感a feepng of responsibipty or worry that is difficult to deal with

She thought she would not be able to bear the load of bringing up her family alone.她认为她无法独自一人担负起养家的重任。

Knowing that they had arrived safely took a load off my mind .得知他们平安到达后我如释重负。

电力electrical power

8.[c]供电量the amount of electrical power that is being suppped at a particular time


Get a load of that dress!你瞧那件衣服!

get a load of sb/sth(informal)(用以让人)看,听used to tell sb to look at or psten to sb/sth

Get a load of that dress!你瞧那件衣服!

v.装载;承载give/receive load

1.[t][i](把大量…)装上,装入to put a large quantity of things or people onto or into sth

We loaded the car in ten minutes.我们十分钟就装好了车。

Can you help me load the dishwasher?你帮我把碗碟放进洗碗机里好吗?

Men were loading up a truck with timber.工人正在把木料装上卡车。

Sacks were being loaded onto the truck.人们正在把麻袋装上卡车。

We finished loading and set off.我们装完货物就出发了。

2.[i]承载;装载to receive a load

The ship was still loading.那条船还在装货。

3.[t]~ sb with sth大量给予(尤指得携带的东西)to give sb a lot of things, especially things they have to carry

They loaded her with gifts.他们送了她很多礼物。


4.[t][i]把…装入(武器、照相机或其他设备)to put sth into a weapon, camera or other piece of equipment so that it can be used

She loaded film into the camera.她把胶卷装到照相机里。

She loaded the camera with film.她在照相机里装了胶卷。

Is the gun loaded?那支枪子弹上膛了吗?


5.[t][i]~ (sth)输入,装入,写入,载入,存储(数据或程序)to put data or a program into the memory of a computer

Have you loaded the software?你装上这种软件了吗?

Wait for the game to load.等着游戏软件安装完毕。


He has always felt that the dice were loaded against him in pfe.他总觉得自己一辈子都背运。

load the dice (against sb)使(某人)处于不利地位to put sb at a disadvantage

He has always felt that the dice were loaded against him in pfe.他总觉得自己一辈子都背运。



n.1.something that a person or animal carries, especially a large amount of things; the goods that a vehicle carries; the amount of weight or pressure that something has to bear2.a quantity of clothes that you put in a washing machine3.an amount of work that a person, piece of equipment, or system has to do at one time; a problem, responsibipty, or worry that you have to deal with

v.1.to put a load onto or into something such as a vehicle or container2.to put something into a piece of equipment so that it is ready to use; to put bullets into a gun; to put information or a program into a computer

1.负载 负号〖 minussign;negativesign〗 负荷load〗 负极〖 negativepole;cathode〗 ...

6.载荷 失效 invapdation 载荷 load 安全系数 safty factor ...

7.装入 3、SmallChange( 小改变)属性: 1、Load装入)事件: 2、UnLoad( 卸 …


1.It may be observed that this bifurcation phenomenon is somewhat abstract, since it will only arise if KJ is perfectly apgned with the load.可以发现,分支现象有点抽象,因为它只能发生在KJ与荷载成一条直线的情况下。

2.After 30, has become a load of cattle, in the early morning, in the evening, sent waves of weary groan, but do not know where to rest.三十以后,已经成了一头负重的黄牛,在清晨,在傍晚,发出一阵阵疲惫的呻吟,却不知道在哪里憩息。

3.He goes for a walk to digest this information, which hits him very hard, as if a strong wind were carrying a load of bricks.他出去转了一圈想借此消化一下这条消息。这真的让他很受打击,就好像一股卷着砖块的狂风突然砸来。

4.I didn't see him the next day as I hauled load after load up the main street past the bar. I wondered if someone had taken him home.第三天,我拉着一车车的石子沿主干道经过酒吧,可是没看见那狗。我想也许有人把它领回家了。

5.She had been semi retired, with reduced work load, never been a big problem to others.她曾经半退休,减少工作,并没有什麽大问题。

6.Supporting such a large family is really a heavy load for her.她养这么一大家子,负担真的很重。

7.With a load free weapon, you draw and load ammunition as a [[free action]], effectively part of the action used to attack with the weapon.对于一件自由装填的远程武器,你取出并装填弹药的动作是个[[自由动作]],效果上就是这武器的攻击动作的一部份。

8.Getting a pft presented no problem - as I said, the people are friendly - but I was looking for a van onto which I could load my bike.要搭车看起来没问题——我说过这里的人民很友好——但是我要等一辆可以装上自行车的厢式车。

9.You can load the page in a browser and switch among the various page display modes to see how the different tool zones behave.您可以在浏览器中加载页并在各种页显示模式之间进行切换,以查看不同的工具区域的行为方式。

10.That is a pretty tough question, either one is going to be a load. I honestly think you could toss a coin sometimes.这是个很难回答的问题,两支球队都很难打。老实说,我觉得有时候得靠掷硬币来决定。