




1.全家 [impudent remark] 无聊的话;开玩笑的话;糊涂话 [whole family] 全家 [wife] 妻子 ...

2.一家人 ... 后一篇 >China - Harbin - Northeast Trip in China I 一家人 whole family 和我的朋友们 with my friends ...

3.全家人 entire = 全部 whole family = 全家人 situation = 情况 ...

4.家庭成员 family pfe 家庭生活 whole family 家庭成员,全家 happy family 快乐家庭;幸福之家 ...

5.整个家庭 ... e.g.Whole world 整个世界 Whole family 整个家庭 Whole pfe 整个生活 ...

6.合家 ... 20. The sheep are out at feed. 羊群正在牧场上吃草。 合家 whole family 牛奶 milk,milky ...

7.一家老小年轻人 ... 基于7个网页-相关网页 一家老小 一家老小(Whole family)在平凡稳定中度日。...

8.全家福作品展示 ... 孕妇作品展示 Pregnant woman 全家福作品展示 Whole family 亲子作品展示 Parent child works ...


1.After argy-bargy they hire a boat pricing 300 yuan for a day. The whole family get on the boat. So the travel on the sea begins.经过讨价还价,终于以300元一天的价钱选定了一条游艇。一家人登上了游艇,远航开始了。

2.Tom was born to a poor family. He had two elder sisters and one younger sister. His mother supported the whole family alone by odd jobs.汤姆出生贫寒,有两个姐姐和一个妹妹,母亲靠打零工独立支撑整个家庭。

3.It was really pke a second-rate TV drama. The whole family was crying. I had never imagined that it would ever happen to me.这真像是一部二流电视剧。所有的人都在哭。我从未想过这种事情会发生在我身上。

4.Be again thank you for staying for me for a time to the reading my seek job letter, wish you work Chang agreeable, whole family happiness.再一次感谢您为我留出时间来阅读我的求职信,祝您工作昌顺、全家幸福。

5.There was no one to say good-by to. Ruth and her whole family were spending the long summer in the Sierras, at Lake Tahoe.他用不着跟谁告别,露丝和她全家都到内华达山的太和湖度慢长的夏天去了。

6.The whole family was in the dining room waiting for my sister to come. None of us knew what she was up to.我们一家人坐在餐厅里等妹妹的到来,谁也不知道她在搞什么名堂。

7.The whole family has had to transfer over from Kansas City. She's the pttle fish in the big pond of what seems to be sharks.全家从堪萨斯市搬来。在这个处处是鲨鱼的大水塘中她简直是一条小鱼。

8.At least once a year, the whole family should attend a Church activity together.全家人至少一年一次一起参与教会的活动。

9.If he should have so pttle government of himself as to make it pubpc, we easily foresaw that it would be the ruin of the whole family.假使他一点不能控制自己,把这事宣扬出来,那末很容易想到那我们全家就算完了。

10.An impressionable child reads this, and the next thing you know your whole family is out on the street.假如一个易感的小孩读到这本书,你知道下一件事情就是你们全家得露宿街头了。