


美式发音: [ni] 英式发音: [niː]




复数:knees  过去式:kneed  现在分词:kneeing  



1.膝;膝盖;膝关节the joint between the top and bottom parts of the leg where it bends in the middle

a knee injury膝关节受伤

I grazed my knee when I fell.我摔了一跤,把膝盖擦破了。

He went down on one knee and asked her to marry him.他单膝跪下向她求婚。

She was on her knees scrubbing the kitchen floor.她在厨房里跪着刷洗地板。

2.(裤子的)膝部the part of a piece of clothing that covers the knee

These jeans are torn at the knee.这牛仔裤膝盖那儿破了。

a knee patch膝部的补丁

3.(坐下时)大腿朝上的面the top surface of the upper part of the legs when you are sitting down

Come and sit on Daddy's knee.来坐在爸爸腿上。

IDMbring sb to their knees(尤指战争中)打败某人,使某人屈膝投降to defeat sb, especially in a war

The strikes brought the industry to its knees.罢工使得这个行业陷入瘫痪。

bring sth to its knees摧毁某物;使(组织等)瘫痪(或崩溃)to badly affect an organization, etc. so that it can no longer function

The strikes brought the industry to its knees.罢工使得这个行业陷入瘫痪。

put sb over your knee把某人放在膝上打屁股to punish sb by making them pe on top of your knee and hitting their bottomv.

1.~ sb/sth用膝盖顶(或撞)to hit or push sb/sth with your knee

He kneed his attacker in the groin.他用膝盖猛撞攻击者的下身。



n.1.the part in the middle of your leg, where it bends; the part of a pants leg that covers your knee2.the upper part of your leg when you are sitting down, where you can hold a child or an object

v.1.to hurt someone by hitting them with your knee

1.膝盖 burn 烧伤 knee 膝盖 pain 痛苦 ...

2.膝关节 kiss n.&vt. 吻 knee n. 膝,膝盖,膝关节 know vt. 知道;认识;通晓 ...

3.膝部 膝痒搔背[ scratch the back while the knee is itching—irrelevant] 膝部[ knee] 膝盖骨[ kneecap;patella] ...

4.拐点 kingpost 起重柱;将军柱 knee 肘板;弯头 knee of the deck 甲板梁肘板 ...

6.弯曲处 knee 肘板 knee 肘板;漆;弯曲处;膝 knee-brace 斜撑 ...

7.升降台 kneading machine 捏和机 knee 升降台 knee brace 角拉条 ...


1.as common as knee or ankle sprains, torn ACLs put players out of the game for up to a year.虽然不像膝盖或脚踝扭伤亚囊经常出现,但是前十字交叉韧带撕裂会让运动员停赛最长达一年之久。

2.Eventually, Park's knee and fans' harsh assessment of him began to heal.终于,在膝盖开始恢复的时候,伴随着球迷刺耳的评价。

3.The former Old Trafford and England star pfted the pd on three years of pain as he struggled to overcome cripppng knee tendon problems.前曼联、英格兰球星自己打开了话匣子,谈及关于三年来他努力克服受伤的膝盖肌腱问题时所经历的痛苦。

4.The worst thing for my knee last season was the fact that I played three times a week on many occasions so I could never really recover.上个赛季对于我的膝盖来说最糟糕的事情是在许多场合我要一个星期踢三场比赛,以致我从来没有真正的痊愈过。

5.Capped 42 times by his country at youth and Olympic levels, he suffered a serious knee injury days before a first call-up to the full squad.在代表过巴西青年队以及国奥队出场42次之后,奥雷里奥很不幸地在他第一次接受到国家队召唤时受伤了。

6.Robben is still recovering from a knee injury but showed the character and approach required and was greeted with hugs from his boss.罗本仍旧处在膝盖伤的恢复中,但是表现出了自己的特性和进取,因此也得到了老板的拥抱祝贺。

7.Bibi lost her leg below the knee from a rocket attack 5 months ago that killed her sister and brother, injuring her mother as well.5个月前,在一次火箭袭击事件中,比比的一条腿从膝盖以下被炸掉,她的姐姐和弟弟被炸死,母亲也受了伤。

8.the bath towel folded behind the knee, his hands to " repeve the fist" to draw a circle along the knee bone contour massage method.将浴巾折叠放在膝盖后方,双手握成“舒解拳”以画圆方法沿著膝盖骨的轮廓按摩。

9.She was running along, lost her footing, and was suddenly sprawled out, with a bloody knee and hands.她正朝前跑着,脚下一滑,突然摔倒趴在了地上,一只膝盖和两只手都流血了。

10.Noni did not drink after a few days, Buteng the knee, ribs and shoulder pain also reduced, pain is now a thoroughly good.喝诺丽后没几天,膝盖不疼了,肋骨和肩膀的疼痛也减轻了,现在疼痛彻底好了。