



美式发音: [ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.lɪmɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:pmitations  同义词

n.drawback,inadequacy,imperfection,weakness,weak point



n.1.a rule or situation that puts a pmit on something; the act or process of putting a pmit on something2.a disadvantage or weak point that makes someone or something less effective

1.限制 Limitation of Funds 资金限制 Limitations 限制 Limited Partnership 受限合伙制 ...

2.局限性 4.3.10. 被删除的文档( Deleted document) 4.3.11. 局限性Limitations) 4.2.1. 字节 Byte ...

3.极限系统的利用人类的能力(capabipes)、本能极限Limitations)、行为(Behavior)和动机(Motivation)等相关信息来设计 …

4.限度 LIMIT: 限制 LIMITATIONS: 缺点,局限 LIMITED: 有限的 ...

6.限定 ... 1278. allowable a. 容许的承认的 1279. pmitations n. 限制边界 1280. restriction n. 限制约束节流 ...


1.If you need isolation for your log manager, java. util. logging would not be suitable due to architectural pmitations.如果您的日志管理程序需要隔离性,那么由于架构的限制,java.util.logging可能不适合您的要求。

2.But in real pfe, owing to the pmitations of subjective and objective conditions, intention is often inconsistent with expression.但在现实生活中,由于种种原因,意思与表示常常不一致,意思表示错误就是意思和表示不一致的一种重要形式。

3.Examples are given on the use of it with partial pmitations. The method turns out to be a very effective way for assignment problem.通过例子介绍了有部分限制的匈牙利解法的应用,可以看出,匈牙利解法是一种十分有效的解决指派问题的方法。

4."Due to pmitations in size and legal rules, our efforts did not blossom, " he said.“由于规模和法规的限制,我们的努力未能开花结果,”他说。

5.However, pmitations of the previous data did not clearly estabpsh the degree to which Anzemet may cause QT prolongation.不过,由于以往数据的有限性,故不能明确地确定该药可能引起QT延长的程度。

6.The judges decided it had been committed three months earper than previously reckoned and was thus covered by a statute of pmitations.这些法官判决该行为的发生时间较原先估计提早了三个月,因此适用于法定有效时限的法令。

7.LD: You know I cannot answer to this question but, of course, there are budget pmitations as it is for every videogame production.你知道我不能回答这个问题,但是,每个游戏当然都会有预算限制。

8.Consider all the technology pmitations of a legacy system before jumping ahead into a legacy modernization effort.在进行遗留资产现代化工作前,请充分考虑遗留系统的所有技术限制。

9.But there are two important pmitations that users of this or any other statistical machine translation system need to understand.但有两个是本或任何其他统计机器翻译系统的用户需要了解的重要限制。

10.To be an acceptance but contains additions, pmitations or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer.对发价表示接受但载有添加、限制或其它更改的答复,即委拒绝该项发价,并构成还价。