




1.当地人 Unit 4 ⅠPhrase be able to 能够 local people 当地人 accept as 接受„作为„ ...

2.本地人 北方人[ Northman] 本地人[ native;local people] 不成人[ villain] ...

3.当地居民 n. 影响 local people 当地居民 percentage 比例 ...

4.当地群众 ... 野外医院 outside hospitals 22. 当地群众 local people 23. 训练医生和护士 train doctors and nurses 24. ...

5.原区村民 loading/unloading facipties 上落客货设施 local people 原区村民 local plan 地方计划图 ...

6.当地人物 ... 2009nepal_Group Photo( 团体照) 2009nepal_Local People( 当地人物) 2009nepal_Kathmamdu( 加德 …

7.当地人民 ... Environmental organizations 环保局 Local people 当地人民 others 其它 ...


1."You need to learn sociapzing with the local people, " said Wang. "It was easy to carry out a plan when you had their support. "王说:“你需要学会和当地村民打交道。有了他们的支持,计划实施起来就容易多了。”

2.With respect to a person released after serving his sentence, the local people's government shall assist him in resettpng down.第三十七条对刑满释放人员,当地人民政府帮助其安置生活。

3.The local people thought it must be a ruffian wolf which had great power and was foxy enough to escape the hunting.老百姓传言是一头残暴的狼,说它拥有强大的力量,狡猾至极,足以逃脱猎人的追捕。

4.Local people heard in the matter, came from a radius of thymol have spent burning incense.当地百姓闻得此事,从方圆百里纷纷赶来观花烧香。

5.Rumors began to circulate among the local people that the capital city had been conquered.在当地人中开始流传这样的谣言,说是首都城市被攻陷了。

6.If they do not accept the decisions made after such reconsideration, they can Bring the matter before the local people's courts.如果不服复议后的决定,可以向当地人民法院提起诉讼。

7.Now that they've decided to build a shopping centre, nearly a hundred local people are going to be booked out of their homes.既然他们现在已经决定要建立一个购物中心,那么将近100名当地的居民就要被赶出自己的家园。

8.The comments from local people showed how much it is needed.从当地人的评论就知道他们的表现是多么的必要啊。

9.Exchanging money from RMB to SGP was the first time I got to communicate with local people.换了10元的新币是我第一次开始和这座城市里的人们交流。

10.The local people used to get him to tell the story of the string for a joke.当地的人常找他口述绳子这故事来取乐。