




1.同性恋酒吧 gay-in 同性恋者集会或淫乱== gay bar 同性恋者酒吧 gay community 同性恋群居村 ...

3.同志酒吧 Park 公园 Gay Bar 男同志酒吧 Gay Sauna 三温暖 ...

5.男同性恋者酒吧 One night stand 一夜情。 Gay Bar 男同性恋者酒吧。 Lesbian 女同性恋者。 ...

6.同志吧区藏在街尾的 Silom 街。Silom 街可谓真正的色情风化区,巷子里有同志吧Gay Bar),A Go Go Bar (钢管舞酒吧),人 …

7.男同性恋酒吧 ... 11. Straight: 直—异性恋者。 14. Gay Bar男同性恋酒吧。 15. T Bar: 女同性恋酒吧 …

8.台北同志酒吧 台北同志按摩店 Gay Massage 台北同志酒吧 Gay Bar 台北同志俱乐部 Gay Club ...


1.No, I don't. But I never went into a gay bar before.是的,我不讨厌。但是我从来没去过同性恋酒吧。

2.Yeah, but who wants to go in? I'm not gay, you know. Why should I go in a gay bar?没错。但是谁要进去?我不是同性恋,为何要去同性恋酒吧?

3.At first I mistake for as a gay bar but it turns out to be shaven headed American GIs, apparently posted here for jungle training.起初我以为这是一家同性恋酒吧,后来才知道那些男人是剃了光头的美国大兵,显然他们到这里来是接受丛林战训练的。

4.Stoner's bar pays homage to the gay-bar tradition while taking advantage of the opportunities bars of a previous generation didn't have.斯通内尔的酒吧在利用机会的时候向传统致敬,借此向那些老一代的没有这么多机会的酒吧致敬。

5.Today, gay poptical groups largely ignore the hundreds of thousands of Americans who spend Saturday night in their local gay bar.如今,同性恋政治组织在很大程度上将那些在周六晚上混迹于本地的同性恋酒吧里的数十万美国人忽略了。

6.She astutely observed that if business taxes were raised, firms would flee New York "quicker than Carl Paladino at a gay bar" .她敏锐地觉察到如果提高营业税,许多公司迁离纽约的速度会比卡尔帕拉迪诺逃离同性恋俱乐部的速度还要快。

7.Michael, who pretends to be straight, unexpectedly runs into Tracy in front of a gay bar.假装是异性恋的迈克尔在一家同性酒吧外遇见了特雷西。

8.What the owner of a gay bar she often visited said when she called one night: I told her not to come.她经常光顾的一家同性恋酒吧的老板对她有天晚上打电话过去的反应:我告诉她不要来。

9.Anyhow, you don't expect me to go into a gay bar, do you?不管怎么说,你要我去同性恋酒吧吗?

10.Hey, Bruce, take a close look at this place. I think we just walked into a gay bar.嘿,伯鲁斯,好好看一下这个地方。我想我们走进了一家同性恋者的酒吧。