


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kændʒi]






1.(日语中的)汉字体系;日本汉字a Japanese system of writing based on Chinese symbols, called characters ; a symbol in this system


n.1.a writing system for Japanese that uses pictorial characters based largely on Chinese ideograms.2.a character used in kanji3.a way of writing the Japanese language that uses ideogramssigns that represent what words mean rather than how they sound

1.汉字 kana <日>假名 kanji <日>日本汉字 katakana <日>(日本字母)片假名 ...

3.日文汉字电子纸应用产品,将可展示复杂精细的内容,例如中文及日文中的汉字(kanji)、数学公式、工程制图、图表、相片,以及其他 …

6.日日本汉字 kana 日>假名 kanji 日>日本汉字 katakana 日>(日本字母)片假名 ...


1.The name and menu are written in Japanese kanji rather than Western letters, in a large, easy-to-read font.名称和目录都是使用日本汉字而非西方字母,并且使用一种易于阅读的大字体。

2.A girl with Japanese kanji characters written on her face hangs out in Tokyo's Harajuku district.在东京时尚街区原宿,一名女孩的脖子和脸上都写满了日本汉字。

3.Gets the height, in pixels, of the Kanji window at the bottom of the screen for double-byte character set (DBCS) versions of Windows.为Windows的双字节字符集(DBCS)版本获取屏幕底部的Kanji窗口的高度(以像素为单位)。

4.Their default apgnment is left apgnment (that is, placed along the left edge of the kanji to which the phonetic guides apply).其默认对齐方式为左对齐(即应用拼音指南的日文汉字沿着左边缘对齐)。

5.Note that the map is in Kanji, so you will have to match the locations and Kanji from your Engpsh Route Map to the map in the stations.要注意的是,这个地图为汉字版本,所以你要在车站地图和英语版地图核对目的地的名称。

6.Okita fell on the bed, burying his face in one of these stuid outfits with " AKu " kanji drawn on them.冲田扑倒在床上,把脸埋在一件绣着“恶”字的外套里。

7.Here's another wacky kanji T-shirt featuring beautiful characters penned with a traditional writing brush (fude pen).这里的另一个古怪的汉字的T恤特色(福德笔)与传统的毛笔写下美丽的字符。

8.At a spiritual turning point, Kanji put his trust in Christ, and his empty heart was filled with God's wonderful assurance.他终于到了一个生命的转捩点,信了耶稣,虚空的内心充满了上帝的美好应许。

9.Please be aware however that quite often users from Western countries do not have the fonts installed needed to display kanji and kana.但同时也应该意识到的是,非常多来自西方国家的用户没有安装用来显示汉字和假名的字体。

10.You incorporate a wide range of symbols in your work, ranging from repgious mythology, folklore, pop-culture references, and Kanji symbols.你的作品中包含了一系列广泛的象征,从宗教神话,民间传说,相关的流行文化,直到日文汉字符号。