


美式发音: [ˈpɑti] 英式发音: [ˈpɒti]




复数:potties  比较级:pottier  最高级:pottiest  同义词反义词






The kids are driving me potty!这群小崽子烦死我了!

2.~ about sb/sth喜爱;对…痴迷pking sb/sth a lot


1.(informal)(幼儿的)便盆a bowl that very young children use when they are too small to use a toilet


adj.1.零零碎碎的,琐碎的;微不足道的2.(试题)容易的3.傻的,发疯似的;拚命[疯狂]追求的;着迷的 (about)4.傲慢的;势利的1.零零碎碎的,琐碎的;微不足道的2.(试题)容易的3.傻的,发疯似的;拚命[疯狂]追求的;着迷的 (about)4.傲慢的;势利的

n.1.a container used as a toilet by young children


1.便壶 brawl n. vi. 争吵, 怒骂 potty n. 便壶 prompting n. 提示 ...

2.便盆 触摸她的私处 touched her private parts (幼儿的)便盆 potty U型去水位/U型吸管 U-pipes ...

3.微不足道 pottle 半加仑 potty 微不足道 pouch 小袋 ...

4.马桶 ... 45. Clamp: 夹子 46. Potty: 微不足道的;便壶 48. Ditch: 沟,沟渠 ...

6.如厕用品 ... 7 Bath 洗漱用品 8 Potty 如厕用品 9 Healthcare 保健用品 ...

7.小马桶 ... bag 书包 potty 小马桶 walking stick 拐棍儿 ...

8.厕所 ... copy: 复印品,复制品 potty: 厕所,厕厕 dude: 伙伴,哥们儿 ...


1.I'm not really sure if it needed to go potty or if it was just up to get a glass of water.我并不确定它是要去洗手间还是只是想要一杯水。

2.The potty training readiness indicator which indicates to the caregiver when the wearer is ready to be potty trained.所述便盆训练准备就绪指示器向护理人员指示穿着者何时准备好接受便盆训练。

3."People are trying to come down the stairs, " her mother says. "Do you have to go potty? Let's go find the potty. "“大家从台阶上下来了,”妈妈说,“你要上厕所吗?我们找找厕所在哪里吧。”

4.She felt sluggish, bloated, and unable to run at an intense pace--except when a Port-a-Potty came into view.她感到乏力,臃肿,无法跑出高强度配速---除非看到洗手间。

5.She would be the last to Aaccompany me to the grocery store, challenging my patience with those dreaded words, "I have to go potty. "不会再有别的孩子来陪我去杂货店,用那些让人头疼的话来考验我的耐心,“我要尿尿!”

6.Potty training rock quickly house breaks your pet and teaches him or her to only use a specific area.如厕训练石,正迅速闯入狗狗们的生活。这个石头教会他们只在合适的地方定点如厕。

7.So if I behave badly at work, there's no excuse for it, because I've had the best potty-training with Jack.所以,如果我在工作中表现不好,有没有一个借口,因为我有最好的便盆与杰克培训。

8.Niggas say that they the shit, when they barely just a potty!他们说我们是废物,他们自己其实只是垃圾!

9.Another Jezebel post described Munn as a "potty-mouthed provocateur whose appeal seems targeted to what she thinks men want. "另一个贴出Jezebe的l则把穆恩描述为一个“飚粗口的探子,她的外表似乎表明她预料到男人想要什么。”

10.Okay, once you have your jammies on, we'll go potty. What's the matter, Mark?好吧,把睡衣穿上,我带你们去尿尿。有什么事吗,马克?