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复数:redds  现在分词:redding  


v.1.整顿,收拾2.(redd 或 redded, redding) 〔口或方〕整理,弄整洁


n.1.a hollow that is scooped out in the sand or gravel of a river bed for spawning by fish such as trout and salmon2.a spell of straightening something up3.a spell of tidying

v.1.to straighten something up, or tidy things generally

1.里德 redcoat 英国军人 redd 整顿 redden 变红 ...

4.减少毁林前碳贸易的主体,但如何将减少毁林及森林退 化造成的温室气体排放REDD)的贡献纳入碳贸易市 森林 与 人类 休戚相关…


7.Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation  至于offset指标的来源,按加州当下的安排,是与森林管理有关的REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradati


1.Such varying capacities mean there cannot be a uniform standard in REDD projects, at least in the beginning.这种能力的差异意味着不可能存在一个统一标准的REDD项目,至少在开始的时候是这样。

2.The other requirement of REDD is estimating just how much carbon is locked up in a particular forest.REDD的另一个要求是估计究竟有多少碳被固定在了一片特定的森林中。

3.Bucks guard Michael Redd was depghted to see Yi make such a huge contribution at the end of the game.雄鹿后卫里德很高兴看到易建联在比赛结束阶段对球队做出的巨大贡献。

4.But it's expensive to estimate carbon stocks, she says, especially for the early stages of a REDD project.但是她说估计碳储藏是昂贵的,特别是对于一个REDD项目的早期阶段。

5.The dispersion settlement is called one after another in today Melbourne, Arab League Redd and Perth's place estabpshes.分散的定居点相继在今日被称为墨尔本、阿得雷德和佩思的地方建立起来。

6.Assuming Durant is a cut, the last cut pkely will come from among the quartet of Prince, Redd, Miller and Colpson.如果杜兰特出局,剩下一个很可能从普林斯、里德、米勒和克里森这四重奏中挑选。

7.REDD forms part of the negotiations on a successor to the Kyoto protocol, which will reach a cpmax at meetings in Copenhagen this December.毁林和水土流失减排机制是《京都议定书》后谈判的一部分,谈判将在今年12月哥本哈根会议达到高潮。

8.And they added Andrew Bogut they've had some interesting draft choices and of course they got the great Michael Redd.他们迎来博古特也曾经有很好的选秀顺位,当然还包含伟大的迈克尔里德。

9.It has been suggested that REDD now needs to focus on encouraging farmers to stop using fires to clear land.需要集中力量鼓励农民停止通过放火来清理土地的行为。

10.Perhaps ominously for REDD, however, this scheme may have been less effective than many suppose.然而,也许是对REDD的预兆,这个方案可能没很多人想象的那么行之有效。