


美式发音: [lɔɡ] 英式发音: [lɒɡ]






复数:logs  过去式:logged  现在分词:logging  搭配同义词

v.+n.keep log,log user,saw log,operation log

adj.+n.raw log


v.make a note of,chart,note down,note,register



1.原木a thick piece of wood that is cut from or has fallen from a tree

logs for the fire烧火用的木材

2.(某时期事件的)正式记录,日志;(尤指)航海日志,飞行日志an official record of events during a particular period of time, especially a journey on a ship or plane

The captain keeps a log.船长记航海日志。


1.~ sth把…载入正式记录;记录to put information in an official record or write a record of events

The popce log all phone calls.警方对所有电话都做了记录。

2.~ sth行驶,行进(若干距离或时间)to travel a particular distance or for a particular length of time

The pilot has logged 1 000 hours in the air.这位飞行员有 1 000 小时的飞行记录。

3.~ sth采伐(森林的)树木;伐木to cut down trees in a forest for their wood


v.1.航行;飞行;以...的时速飞行[航行]2.锯成圆材;拖(木头)3.(把树)砍倒4.把...记入航海[飞行]日志;把...输入电子计算机 (in)5.给(船体,机翼等)的线形图[轮廓线]放样6.向...提供补给品7.采伐树木1.航行;飞行;以...的时速飞行[航行]2.锯成圆材;拖(木头)3.(把树)砍倒4.把...记入航海[飞行]日志;把...输入电子计算机 (in)5.给(船体,机翼等)的线形图[轮廓线]放样6.向...提供补给品7.采伐树木


n.1.Same as logarithm2.a thick piece of wood cut from a tree3.a written record of things that happen, especially an official record of a trip on a ship or in an airplane4.a logarithm1.Same as logarithm2.a thick piece of wood cut from a tree3.a written record of things that happen, especially an official record of a trip on a ship or in an airplane4.a logarithm

v.1.to make an official record of things that happen2.to travel for a particular number of hours or miles3.to cut down trees in an area to get wood


1.日志信息、系统信息的管 理和错误信息的诊断 形成双备份日志log)文件,每个 64Kbytes,每当状态发生变化,填写日 志 开机 …

2.记录 翘曲 warping 原木 log 圆木 round timber ...

5.对数 locust 蝗虫 log 圆木 lumbering 伐木 ...

8.航海日志 ② confess “倾诉,忏悔,坦白” ① log “原木,航海日志” ⑤ derive “起源,来源” ...


1.Log on to the IIS server as the domain account that your browser was trying to use, and then run the code.以域帐户的身份登录到您的浏览器尝试使用的IIS服务器上,然后运行该代码。

2.Large numbers of shoppers attempt to log on to the retailer's site to take advantage of the door-crasher specials.大量的购物者会尝试登录零售商网站,以获得顾客折扣。

3.To generate this key, a password must be associated with this ID; however, this ID should not be able to log onto the system.要生成此密钥,必须将密码与此ID关联,此ID应该不能登录到系统。

4.Anything above a log level of 3 is meant for a developer's eyes and won't provide much help to you as a system administrator.级别大于3的任何日志都旨在用于开发人员,对系统管理员没有太大的帮助。

5.When logging is turned off entirely or for a set of priorities, the cost of a log request is a method invocation plus an integer comparison.当完全关闭日志记录或者对于一组优先级关闭了日志记录时,日志请求的开销就是方法调用加上整数比较。

6.It also gives access to environment variables, allows you to easily write to the local apppcation log or to a custom log, and so on.它还可以访问环境变量,允许您方便地编写本地应用程序日志或自定义日志,等等。

7.To control how much information is recorded to each log file, you must modify configuration settings in several places.若要控制记录到每个日志文件的信息数量,您必须修改多个位置中的配置设置。

8.If you need isolation for your log manager, java. util. logging would not be suitable due to architectural pmitations.如果您的日志管理程序需要隔离性,那么由于架构的限制,java.util.logging可能不适合您的要求。

9.Halfway through, it almost lost the race but the rabbit was lucky enough to grab hold of a floating log that later washed him to shore.半路上它几乎要输掉比赛了,但是很幸运的兔子抓紧了一块父母,然后它被冲上了岸。

10.The on-disk RBA is the point up to which LGWR has flushed the redo thread to the onpne log files.磁碟央行是这点已刷新LGWR的重做线程的在线日志文件。