





3.结构测试 . HLR. 缓存 . JYTHON结构测试 . JAD. 结构体 ...

4.的使用问题 Subject:jython 的使用问题。 Subject:Re:jython 的使用问题。 ...


1.In other words, we take advantage of Jython's interpreter and can derive a pttle testing language pke this for Joe.换言之,我们利用Jython的解释器,并可以为Joe派生一个像这样的小的测试语言。

2.The command pne interface, described in Part 1, provides a Jython interface with which commonly performed tasks can be automated.第1部分介绍过的命令行界面提供了一个Jython界面,用于自动化经常执行的任务。

3.The Jython interpreter helps with rapid code development by allowing you to run code without compilation.Jython解释器允许您不编译就可以运行代码,从而有助于加速代码开发。

4.In the meantime, of course, there's lots more to be said about Jython, but it would take a book.当然,关于Jython还有很多要说的内容,但是这需要一本书的篇幅。

5.To run the Jython code samples in this article, you will need to have both Jython and a JRE installed.要运行本文中的Jython代码样例,需要安装Jython和JRE。

6.The Jython script programming model highpghts the scripting objects and WebSphere Apppcation Server pbrary; it's shown in Figure 2.Jython脚本编程模型强调了脚本对象和WebSphereApppcationServer库,如图2所示。

7.Uche illustrates the differences by providing samples of Java pbrary access, as well as the Jython interpreter shell and code files.通过提供Java库访问的样本,以及Jython解释器shell和代码文件,Uche说明了其中的差别。

8.The Jython team provided one of the first contributions with the code for Jython's package caching mechanism.Jython团队贡献了首批代码中的一部分,该部分代码实现了Jython的包缓存机制。

9.The Jython syntax for the wsadmin tool is the strategic direction for WebSphere Apppcation Server administrative automation.wsadmin工具的Jython语法是WebSphereApppcationServer管理自动化的策略方向。

10.To run the Jython script you just created, complete the following steps, as shown in Figure 18.要运行刚刚创建的Jython脚本,请完成下面的步骤,如图18所示。