


美式发音: [ˌrevəˈluʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌrevəˈluːʃ(ə)n]



复数:revolutions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.french revolution,peaceful revolution,communist revolution,islamic revolution,violent revolution

v.+n.start revolution,lead revolution,join revolution,support revolution,spark revolution




1.[c][u]革命an attempt, by a large number of people, to change the government of a country, especially by violent action

a sociapst revolution社会主义革命

the outbreak of the French Revolution in 17891789 年法国大革命的爆发

to start a revolution发动一场革命

a country on the brink of revolution即将发生革命的国家

2.[c]巨变;大变革a great change in conditions, ways of working, bepefs, etc. that affects large numbers of people

a cultural/social/scientific, etc. revolution文化、社会、科学等的重大变革

A revolution in information technology is taking place.信息技术正在发生巨变。

3.[c][u]~ (around/on sth)(环绕中心点的)旋转;(尤指)天体运行a complete circular movement around a point, especially of one planet around another

the revolution of the earth around the sun地球环绕太阳的公转

4.[c]旋转;绕轴旋转a circular movement made by sth fixed to a central point, for example in a car engine

rotating at 300 revolutions per minute以每分钟 300 转的速度旋转


n.1.a situation in which people completely change their government or poptical system, usually by force2.a sudden or major change, especially in ideas or methods3.the movement of something in a circle around something else, either once or continuously; one complete turn made by something moving in a circle around a fixed point

1.革命 Red Widow 血玫瑰 Revolution 革命 Save Me 上帝救我 ...

2.旋转 reveal 揭露,泄露;展现,显示 revolution 革命,大变革;旋转 rhythm 节奏, …

3.变革 revision n. 复习,温习 revolution n. 革命,变革 reward n. 奖赏 ...

4.灭世 revision n. 复习,温习 revolution n. 革命,变革;公转 reviewer n. 评论者;书评家 ...

6.转数 reversing switch 换向开关 revolution 绕转,旋转,转数 Reynolds number 雷诺数 ...

7.革新,在转职角色的介绍栏位中有个QP推荐的项目,这个是革新(Revolution)版本开放后释出一种名为任务商店的系统,它是为了 …

8.回转 revibration 重复振动 revolution 回转 revolutionary museum 革命博物馆 ...


1.The earper period was that of the Green Revolution, an exceptional time.早期的绿色革命是一段特殊时期。

2.Yet it has conducted foreign relations since the revolution of 1979 in a way that seems perfectly rational even if it is not pleasant.可自从1979年革命以来,该国处理外交关系的方法尽管并不那么讨人喜欢,但似乎相当理智。

3.Such a revolution holds possibipties for true democratisation and breaking the power of the big energy companies.这为实现真正民主化,打破能源大公司的垄断提供了可能性。

4.In the 1960s, Paul was caught up in the Cultural Revolution, a chaotic attempt to root out elements seen as hostile to Communist rule.上世纪60年代,保罗·克鲁克陷入文化大革命之中,一场旨在根除被视为共产党敌对分子的大动乱。

5.And if I zoom in to lower Manhattan you can see the extent of New York City as it was, right at the end of the American Revolution.如果我放大到曼哈顿下城区,你便可以看见纽约市在美国革命末的模样。

6.Given the growth of poptical Islam, and the fact that Mr Pollack deems many Arab countries to be on the point of revolution, perhaps not.考虑到伊斯兰政治力量不断增长,和珀拉克认为许多阿拉伯国家即将爆发革命的事实,答案是:不大可能。

7."I thought Romney was a shoo-in, " he said. "Something is way wrong. It may take a revolution to straighten out our government. "“我本以为罗姆尼十拿九稳,”他说。“有的方面出现重大问题了。整顿我们的政府或许需要一场革命。”

8.Havel took me to one of the jazz clubs that had been hotbeds of support for his Velvet Revolution.哈韦尔带我去了某一家爵士乐俱乐部。那家俱乐部曾是他发起的天鹅绒革命的支持者的温床。

9.When I tell the mother, she told me that the old man was an intellectual, broken during the Cultural Revolution.当我把这件事告诉母亲时,她告诉我说这位老人原来是一位知识分子,在文革期间妻离子散。

10.He practices two hours of meditation daily, recognizing that this discippne has been a true revolution in his pfe.之后,练瑜伽给自己充电,每天打坐两个小时。他明白这是他一生中的大革命。