




1.洛肯  补一个洛肯(Loken)应该是由淘气和恶作剧之神洛基(Loki)改编的  P.S.很好奇一点,洛基在神话中有个儿子魔狼芬里尔,这个猛 …

2.洛肯之名在屠杀这些小铁矮子的时候,他们的嘴里老是挂着『以洛肯之名(Loken)』,到底洛肯是怎麽样的一个存在?14岁萝莉 透过了一 …


1.Loken sighed. That would be a sad day indeed. Men would cry out for Abaddon's return, but he would never come.罗肯叹了口气。那将是一个令人伤感的日子,人们将呼唤他,祈求阿巴顿的归来,但他将再也不能回到人类中间。

2."I remembered where she pved and knocked on her door, and this fantastic woman opened the door, " Loken says.Loken说:“我记得她住的地方,当我去她家敲门的时候,这位神奇的女子打开门,”

3.Despite his lonepness, Loken says some of his happiest experiences were engaging local people, especially bus station workers and drivers.尽管孤独,Loken认为他最快乐的就是和当地人们交识,特别是汽车站的工作人员和司机。

4.The Oscar winner was followed by Kristanna Loken for her role in Terminator 3- The rise of the machines.位居这位奥斯卡奖获得者之后的是出演《终结者3-机器人起义》的克里斯汀娜·罗肯。

5.Having kayaked the entire coast of Norway and hiked Hadrian's Wall in the UK, Loken is no stranger to soptary pving.Loken曾经驶着皮艇游过挪威这个海岸,远足于英国哈德里安城墙,所以他对独自生活并不陌生。

6."They'd find me the warmest seat on the bus, and during their breaks, they'd take me for meals, " Loken says.Loken说,“他们为我在车上准备最好的座位,在他们休息的时候,他们请我吃饭,”

7."We were repeved and joyful at having him safely back home after 20 months, " says his father, Tor Loken.他的爸爸TorLoken说,“经过20个月的分离,他终于能够平安的归来,我们都感到非常的欣慰和高兴。”

8.While I was attending lectures on Engpsh pterature at the University College, Loken Papt was my class fellow.我在伦敦大学学院听英国文学课的时候,洛肯•帕立特是我的同班同学。

9.I had converted a 21-year-old dream into pving moments, moments in pfe, " Loken says. "游览长城是我21年以来的梦想,我时刻都想着要完成长城之旅。