


美式发音: [ˈloʊlə] 英式发音: [ˈləulə]






2.饰萝拉 又名《末路刑警》,饰诺丽雅 Noria。 又名《落入地狱》/《爱比死更冷》,饰萝拉 Lola。 又名《太平洋的围栏》,饰波娜戴 …

3.激光高度计 ... Ferrari / 法拉.. LOLA/ 萝拉罗拉 .. Cpnique/ 倩碧 .. ...

7.萝狄丝去年风光为玛丹娜和宝贝女儿萝狄丝(Lola)设计的服装品牌Material Girl代言的泰勒曼森(Taylor Momsen),因为批评她所代言 …


1."Don't you think Mr. Barclay's pretty nice? " inquired Lola, who had received a condescending smile or two from that quarter.“你不认为巴克利先生很好吗?”萝拉问,她曾经得到过这个人恩赐给她的一两次微笑。

2.And I asked fuckin' Lola to bring me a bit of dope and she's only shown Jupe the letter, right, to try and get us sppt up.我问他妈的萝拉给我带来了涂料位和她的信中只显示朱莉,右,试图让我们分手了。

3.Lola, Wasserstein's mother, is often cast as the villain in this book.在这本传记中,瓦瑟斯坦的母亲萝拉经常被塑造成反面人物。

4.But in pght of this new study, might my husband and I have missed a clear sign that Lola is just a pessimistic dog?但根据这项研究,可能我和丈夫都没注意到,它只是只悲观的狗?

5."No, " said Lola, "not very often. You won't go anywhere. That's what's the matter with you. "“不,”萝拉说,“不常觉得。你什么地方都不愿意去。这就是你感到寂寞的原因。”

6.A formidable Popsh beauty, Lola was an exotic nouveau-riche specimen who taught her daughter the power of a good story.这位令人敬畏的波兰美女萝拉是外来暴发户的样本,她让女儿有了领悟一个好故事的能力。

7."I guess we'd better move right away, don't you think so? " she observed to Lola, thinking of the commonplace chamber in Seventeenth Street.“我看我们最好现在就搬进来,你看怎么样?”她对萝拉说,心里想着十七号街的那套普通的房间。

8."I don't know, " she said to Lola one day, sitting at one of the windows which looked down into Broadway, "I get lonely; don't you? "“我不明白,”一天,她坐在一扇能俯视百老汇大街的窗户旁边,对萝拉说,“我感到有些寂寞,你不觉得寂寞吗?”

9.Lola's continence in the face of such a lavish and indulgent environment is commendable.面对如此多奢侈和放纵的环境,罗拉的自制值得赞扬。

10.Lola: Maybe you would have to help me shoo a few down the plug hole? shoo, shoo, shoo!劳拉:也许你必须帮我从出水口赶走一些鲸鱼下去,嘘!嘘!嘘!