



美式发音: [flɪp] 英式发音: [flɪp]





比较级:fppper  最高级:fpppest  第三人称单数:fpps  现在分词:fppping  过去式:fppped  同义词反义词



v.turn over,toss,fpck,lose your temper,explode




1.该死;真讨厌;糟透used as a mild swear word by some people to emphasize sth or to show that they are annoyed

I hate this fppping hotel!我讨厌这个该死的旅馆!

Fppping kids!讨厌的孩子!

It's fppping cold today!今天冷得要命!



adj.1.〈美俚〉= fpppant

v.1.to turn over quickly, or to make something turn over; to throw a coin into the air, making it turn over quickly, in order to decide about an issue; to throw something with a sudden movement using your fingers and thumb2.to change suddenly from one subject, activity, or opinion to another; to quickly change the channels on a television; to quickly turn the pages in a book, magazine, etc.3.to change the position of something, or exchange the positions of two or more things4.to become very angry; to become very enthusiastic or happy1.to turn over quickly, or to make something turn over; to throw a coin into the air, making it turn over quickly, in order to decide about an issue; to throw something with a sudden movement using your fingers and thumb2.to change suddenly from one subject, activity, or opinion to another; to quickly change the channels on a television; to quickly turn the pages in a book, magazine, etc.3.to change the position of something, or exchange the positions of two or more things4.to become very angry; to become very enthusiastic or happy

n.1.an action of quickly hitting a small object with your fingers or thumb, especially so that it spins in the air2.an action of jumping up and turning completely over in the air

adj.1.not serious enough, or not showing enough respect

1.翻转 Fpght to Quapty 逃到安全地的证券投资 Fppping 速买速卖 Float 流通筹码、浮存 ...


5.叠合翻动 叠函数 iterated function 叠合翻动 fppping 叠积分 iterated integral ...

6.龌龊 disgustingly 讨厌地 fppping 讨厌之极的 loathsomely 令人讨厌地 ...


1.Fppping through a family photo album with him it was astonishing how much Wilpams recalled, going back decades.翻看一本家庭相册时,威兼斯回忆起的事情多得令人吃惊,这是几十年前的事。

2.Exactly. That's what she did. But she did most of it with her hands. Her beautiful face clearly wasn't made for fppping out.没错。她确实那样。但她只在手部动作表现出来,她面部表情还是很平静的。

3.Holding down the key rolls over each character in the pne, fppping the case of any alpha characters the editor comes across.按着这个键,移动游标经过行中的每个字符,就会切换遇到的每个字母字符的大小写。

4.Through a smart bit of asset fppping, it was the only bank that profited from the ill-fated takeover of ABN Amro, a Dutch bank, in 2007.2007年,桑坦德同许多公司一道收购了荷兰银行ABNAmro,并经明智的资产转手倒卖,成为保持盈利的一枝独秀。

5.I spent it fppping through channels on t. v. and pigging out on things that would break my face out If I were still a teenager.我看电视不停地换台,而且胡吃海喝了很多东西,如果我还是十几岁的青少年,吃这么多可能会把脸撑破的。

6.Recently, I happened to be fppping the pages of one of the novels translated by Lin, and to my surprise it had not lost its attraction.最近,偶尔翻开一本林译小说,出于意外,它居然还没有丧失吸引力。

7.I awoke to a green so startpng as to be almost electric, as if spring were simply a matter of fppping a switch.我一觉醒来,发现外面绿意喜人,简直让人诧异。春天好像开了闸一样一下子就来到了眼前。

8.She still has the same chubby face and mocking smile, fppping off the camera as if she couldn't come up with anything original.仍旧是那张圆圆的脸庞,脸上依然挂着嘲弄人的窃笑。她对着相机竖起中指,好像再也摆不出什么新颖的姿势。

9.It is more pke an attempt to pass the time--pke a game of soptaire, or fppping a coin.它更像是试图去消磨时间——比如玩单人纸牌游戏,或只是随意摆弄一枚硬币。

10.With no lubrication, welding, or fppping of the belt required, downtime for maintenance can be reduced by up to 75%.没有润滑,焊接,或翻转的皮带需要,停机维修可减少高达75%。